MEGHÍVÓ Professor Jari Lavonen: Improving Finnish Teacher Education through a National Teacher Education Forum Work című előadására.

A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Szegedi Akadémiai Bizottságának Oktatáselméleti Munkabizottsága tisztelettel meghívja Önt Professor Jari Lavonen (Physics and Chemistry Education, University of Helsinki, member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters director of National Teacher Education Forum) Improving Finnish Teacher Education through a National Teacher Education Forum Work című előadására.

Helyszín: MTA SZAB Székház, 6720 Szeged, Somogyi u. 7. Díszterem

Időpont: 2018. 06. 14. 16.00

Abstract: As a part of education related key projects in the current Finnish government programme, a Finnish Teacher Education Forum was established by the Ministry of Education in February 2016 aiming to foster the improvement of teacher education as a part of national reform program. Altogether 100 experts from universities, schools, teacher, municipality and student union and from the ministry of education and culture organised a literature review on the research on teachers and teacher education, benchmarked teacher education strategies in other countries and finally organized a national brainstorming. In the new teacher education strategy, published in October 2016, it is described teachers’ competence in three areas and what kind of teacher education and continuous professional development of teachers are necessary to ensure that teachers are able to support students in the classroom to learn the competencies (knowledge, skill and attitude) needed today, tomorrow and in future. The forum has supported teacher education institutes in spring and autumn 2017 through allocating 50 M€ for supporting the implementation of the aims of the development program.

Jari Lavonen is a professor of science education (2003-) in the Department of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland. He was the director of the department 2009-2017. He has been a director (PI) of 18 research projects with external research funding (10 M euro) and he has supervised 20 PhD theses. He has published 200 refereed scientific papers in various journals and books, 150 other articles and wrote 180 books for science teacher education and science education. He has taught courses on teaching and assessment in teacher education. He has been working in many national level committees and steering committees at the ministry and university level. He is currently working as a chair for national teacher education forum at the Finnish Ministry of Education. He is a member of Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.


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