Sunday, 09 March 2025


Supporting organization

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, NKFI PD 142335

Duration of the project

01. 12. 2022. – 30. 11. 2025.

Participant of the project

Attila Kovács

Supporting organization

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, NKFI PD 143378

Duration of the project

01. 12. 2022. – 30. 11. 2025.

Participant of the project

Nóra Skarbit

Supporting organization

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, NKFI K 137801

Duration of the project

01. 09. 2021. - 31. 08. 2025.

Supporting organization

COST | European Cooperation in Science and Technology (CA20108)

Duration of the project

2021. - 2025.

Supporting organisation
IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (ID HUSRB/1602/11/0097)
Project duration
2017. 11. 01. - 2019. 10. 31.

Supporting organization

Sparkling Science - a programme of Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW), Austria

Duration of the project

01. 09. 2017. - 31. 10. 2019.

Supporting organization

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, NKFI K 120346

Duration of the project

01. 12. 2016. - 31. 08. 2021.

Supporting organization

Europian Comission – Executive Agensy for Small and Medium –sized Enterprises (EASME) H2020-SCCNBS 730468 (2016-2020)

Duration of the project

01. 11. 2016. - 29. 10. 2020

Supporting organization

European Economic Area (EEA) Grant, Adaptation to Climate Change Programme (Contract ID number: EEA-C12-13)

Duration of the project

30. 04. 2015 – 31.12. 2015.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 111768

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2015. - 31. 12. 2018.

Supporting organization

International Visegrad Fund as a standard grant (No. 21410222)

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2014. - 31. 12. 2015.

Supporting organization

IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme (ID HUSRB/1203/122/166)

Duration of the project

01. 02. 2013. - 29. 10. 2014.

Supporting organization

IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (ID HURO/1001/139/1.3.4)

Duration of the project

01. 04. 2012. - 31. 03. 2013.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA PD 100352

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2012. - 30. 06. 2015.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund

Duration of the project

01. 04. 2009. – 30. 04. 2012.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 67626

Duration of the project

01. 07. 2007. – 31. 12. 2011.

Supporting organization

STERU Tempus CD_JEP – 40053_ 2005

Duration of the project

01. 09. 2006. – 31. 08. 2009.

Supporting organization

EU FP6 Integrated Project

Duration of the project

01. 03. 2005. - 28. 02. 2010.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 49573

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2005. – 31. 07. 2009.

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2005. – 30. 06. 2008.

Támogató szervezet

NKFI (Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal)

A projekt időtartama

2016. 12. 01. - 2021. 08. 31.

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