Sunday, 09 March 2025

Survey of the urban surface geometry (buildings and trees) aiming urban climate investigations

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA PD 100352

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2012. - 30. 06. 2015.

Participants of the project

University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology

Aim of the project

The main aim of this study is to develop a new calculation method for the Sky View Factor (SVF) which is a commonly used parameter in urban climate studies, and for the surface roughness which is applied furthermore in meteorology. This new standalone software method will use a database which contains building and vegetation data. Recently several similar methods are known, however the vector based methods that we partly developed in our department (in a GIS script language) gives more accurate result.
The consideration of the vegetation is crucial, because the 3D geometrical configuration plays an important role in regulating long-wave radiative heat loss and the flow conditions over the urban canopy layer, and the tree crowns is an important part of this configuration. The existing methods provide only partly proper solution to take into account the effects of the vegetation for the calculations. Thus a method calculating surface roughness and SVF based on these data could be a remarkable advance even in international context too. Achieving of this goal a new method is needed to be developed for the cost effective creation of the necessary database using aerial photographs.
Finally I intend to calculate the seasonal SVF and surface roughness values in several cities in the Great Hungarian Plain in order to reveal the seasonal differences of the connections between the SVF and the urban heat island intensity as well as between the surface roughness and the urban flow.

SVF Mapping Tool

As a result of this project a new software method is developed. It is available for academic, educational or commercial use also. Details of the software method and the corresponding articles are available in the user guide.



Users guide

Roughness Mapping Tool

As a result of this project a new software method is developed. It is available for academic, educational or commercial use also. Details of the software method and the corresponding articles are available in the user guide.



Users guide

Urban Surface Parameter Calculator Tool V2.1

As a result of this project a new software method is developed. It is available for academic, educational or commercial use also. Details of the software method and the corresponding articles are available in the user guide.



Users guide


Gál T, Unger J, 2012: Surface geometry mapping for SVF calculation in urban areas. Proceedings '8th International Conference on Urban Climate, Paper 168. (link)

Égerházi LA, Gál T, 2012: Assessment of the bioclimatic conditions of a popular playground by the microclimate model ENVI-met. ACTA CLIMATOLOGICA ET CHOROLOGICA 46, 107-114. (link)

Gál T, Unger J, 2013: Calculation of the aerodynamical roughness parameters using building and tree-crown database, In: Dr Pajtókné dr Tari Ilona, Dr Tóth Antal (szerk.) Változó Föld, változó társadalom, változó ismeretszerzés 2013: A megújuló erőforrások szerepe a regionális fejlesztésben, 43-48.

Gál T, Unger J, 2013: Theoretical and real solar energy gain on roofs in a densely built urban area with trees, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 4:(1) pp. 13-20. (link)

Gál T, Unger J, Kiss M, 2013: An automatic method to crate an urban vegetation database using 4 band aerial photographs for Sky View Factor calculation - A case study in Szeged, Hungary, In: Georgiadis T, Lokoshchenko M A, Screti C, Vagnoli C (szerk.) Proceedings of the Two hundred years of urban meteorology in the heart of Florance: International Conference on Urban Climate and History of Meteorology, 124-132. (link)

Unger J, Lelovics E, Gál T, 2013: A vector-based GIS method for mapping Local Climate Zones and its application in a Central-European city, Georgiadis T; Lokoshchenko M A; Screti C; Vagnoli C (szerk.) Proceedings of the Two hundred years of urban meteorology in the heart of Florance: International Conference on Urban Climate and History of Meteorology, 244-253. (link)

Unger J, Lelovics E, Gál T, 2013: Development and application of GIS methods for Local Climate Zone mapping in and around Szeged, Hungary, In: Dr Pajtókné dr Tari Ilona, Dr Tóth Antal (szerk.) Változó Föld, változó társadalom, változó ismeretszerzés 2013: A megújuló erőforrások szerepe a regionális fejlesztésben, 19-24.

Lelovics E, Gál T, Unger J, 2013: Mapping Local Climate Zones with a vector-based GIS method, In: Gavril Pandi, Florin Moldovan (szerk.) Air and Water Components of the Environment, 423-430. (link)

Lelovics E, Unger J, Gál T, 2013: A lokális klímazónák termikus sajátosságainak elemzése - szegedi esettanulmány. LÉGKÖR 58:(4), 140-144. (link)

Gál T, Unger J, 2014: A new software tool for SVF calculations using building and tree-crown databases. URBAN CLIMATE,DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2014.05.004 (link)

Hammerle M, Gál T, Unger J, Matzarakis A, 2014: Different aspects in the quantification of the Sky View Factor in complex environments. ACTA CLIMATOLOGICA ET CHOROLOGICA 47-48, 53-62. (link)

Lelovics E, Unger J, Gál T, Gál CV, 2014: Design of an urban monitoring network based on Local Climate Zone mapping and temperature pattern modelling. CLIMATE RESEARCH 60:(1), 51-62. (link)

Unger J, Lelovics E, Gál T, Mucsi L, 2014: A városi hősziget fogalom finomítása a lokális klímazónák koncepciójának felhasználásával - példák Szegedről. FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 138:(1), 50-63. (link)

Unger J, Lelovics E, Gál T, 2014: Local Climate Zone mapping using GIS methods in Szeged. HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN 63:(1), 29-41.(link)

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