Supporting organization
IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 (ID HURO/1001/139/1.3.4)
Duration of the project
01. 04. 2012. - 31. 03. 2013.
Participants of the project
Aim of the project
ransboundary pollution is a general phenomenon, specific to vicinity regions, generated by national sources, under the influence of shared climate. The specific target regions (two counties, i.e. Timis and Csongrád) share the footprint of both nations and are of joint interest concerning raising the environmental awareness. The project focuses on performing cross border pollution impact assessments versus the cultural and touristic natural heritage. Mobile measurements, processed online with certified standard methods (ISO/CEI 17025:2005) applied by the partners, and statistical procedures will be used to assess exceedance of pollutants' thresholds in the surroundings of the study areas. One output is an action plan, for preserving architectural and historical monuments and touristic areas.
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