Sunday, 09 March 2025

Analysis and modelling of the thermal and human bioclimatic modification effects of the cities based on ground and satellite measurements, and extrapolations of results

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 67626

Duration of the project

01. 07. 2007. – 31. 12. 2011.

Participants of the project

University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology

The main project results

Dynamics of the urban heat island:

The cross-section contains the characteristic parts of the city. Features of the mean UHI is evaluated using normalized values, investigaton of the absolute intensity points out the infuence of the changing weather parameters. Spatial and temporal alterations of the humidity are examined.

Mean UHI modelling using surface parameters, model-extrapolation:

direction 1: Number of parameters is large, areal applicability of the modell is small (1 city). As independent variables, 2D and 3D parameters of Szeged are used in the model equations, approximating the UHI distribution.
direction 2: Number of parameters is small, areal applicability of the modell is large (17 cities). As independent variables, 2D parameters of Szeged and Debrecen are used in the common model equations. Applying the areal extrapolation of these equations on other cities, the magnitude and spatial structure of the UHI are approximated there.

Human-bioclimatological evaluation and modelling of tipical urban environments:

Evaluation based on indices calculated by RayMan model, which is applicable in complex structures, so for the evaluation of human comfort sensations experienced in different urban environments. Micrometeorological parameters used in the model are recorded by a mobile measurement unit. The obtained fine resoluted patterns are used for the comfort evaluation of the areas with different built-up features.

Satellite-based evaluation of the surface temperature, its relationship with air temperature:

After compilation of database for 2001-06 using satellite images for different cities satellite-based and traditional measurement data are compared. Separating the periods with UHI of more than 2 grades connection with the meteorological parameters and circulation features is investigated. Air temperature and UHI values are judged from the satellite-data. This is a tool for the verification of the extrapolation of model equations.


Gál T, Rzepa M, Gromek B, Unger J, 2007: Comparison between sky view factor values computed by two different methods in an urban environment. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 40-41, 17-26

Kántor N, Unger J and Gulyás Á, 2007: Human bioclimatological evaluation with objective and subjective approaches on the thermal conditions of a square in the centre of Szeged. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 40-41, 89-100

Balázs B, Geiger J, Sümeghy Z, 2007: Annual mean urban heat island versus 2D surface parameters: modelling, validation and extension. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 40-41, 5-15

Gál T, Sümeghy Z, 2007: Mapping the roughness parameters in a large urban area for urban climate applications. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 40-41, 27-36

Gál T, 2008: Ventillációs folyosók feltérképezése érdességi paraméterek alapján egy városi mintaterületen. Tavaszi szél, Konferencia kiadvány, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Budapest, 73-79

Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, Dezső Zs, 2007: Thermal structure of large Central European cities using remotely sensed data. In: International Science Conference on Bioclimatology and Natural Hazards – Proceedings (eds.: K.Strelcova, J.Skvarenina, M.Blazenec). CD-ROM. Slovak Bioclimatological Society, Zvolen, Slovakia. 10p.

Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, Dezső Zs, 2008: Comparison of urban heat island effect in Central European cities based on satellite measurements. In: 8th Conference on meteorology, climatology and atmospheric physics, COMECAP 2006 – Proceedings. Volume C. (ed.: A.Chronopoulou-Sereli). Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. pp. 250-257.

Bartholy J, Pongrácz R, Dezső Zs, 2007: Analysis of the thermal structure of large Central European cities based on MODIS measurements. EGU2007-A-04594. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 04594. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2007

Bartholy J, Pongracz R, Dezso Zs, (2008): Analysis of the urban heat island of Central European cities using satellite measurements. AAG Annual Meeting. http://communicate.

Unger J, Pongrácz R, 2008: Urban climate research in Hungary. Urban Climate News 28, 17-20

Gál T, Unger J, 2008: Lehetséges ventillációs folyosók feltérképezése érdességi paraméterek alapján egy városi területen. Légkör 53(3), 2-8

Benkő D, Unger J, Gál T, 2008: Comparison of modelled and measured microclimatic parameters in an urban square. In Klysik K, Wibig J, Fortuniak K (eds): Klimat I bioclimat miast (Urban climate and bioclimate). Wydawnictwo Universytetu Lódzkiego, Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Lódz, Poland, 55-64

Unger J, Kántor N, Gulyás Á, Gál T, 2008: Thermal comfort investigation of an urban square in summer. In Klysik K, Wibig J, Fortuniak K (eds): Klimat I bioclimat miast (Urban climate and bioclimate). Wydawnictwo Universytetu Lódzkiego, Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Lódz, Poland, 179-190

Gál T, Unger J, Benkő D, 2008: Roughness mapping process in an urban study area. In Klysik K, Wibig J, Fortuniak K (eds): Klimat I bioclimat miast (Urban climate and bioclimate). Wydawnictwo Universytetu Lódzkiego, Katedra Meteorologii i Klimatologii, Lódz, Poland, 501-512

Pongracz R, Bartholy J, Dezso Zs, 2008: Satellite-based analysis of the urban heat island effect of large Central European cities. In: ICB2008 - 18th International Congress of Biometeorology: Harmony within Nature (eds: Iriki M et al.), International Society of Biometeorology, Tokyo, Japan. 4p.

Dezső Zs, Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, 2008: A városi hősziget hatás elemzése távérzékelési módszerekkel. In: A FÖLD ÉVE – 2008: A földtudományok az emberiségért a Kárpát-medencében (Szerk.: Kovács-Pálffy P, Zimmermann K, Verebiné Fehér K, Kopsa G) 59-60. HUNGEO-2008. Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat, Budapest. ABST

Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, Dezső Zs, Lelovics E, 2009: Urban heat island effect of large Central European cities using satellite measurements of surface temperature. 89th AMS Annual Meeting/8th Symposium on the Urban Environment. 147113.pdf. Phoenix, AZ. 3p.

Dezső Zs, Bartholy J, Pongrácz R, 2009: Surface temperature analysis of urban areas using MODIS measurements in the 21st century. EGU2009-11789. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, 11789. CD-ROM. EGU General Assembly 2009 ABST

Gál T, Lindberg F, Unger J, 2009: Computing continuous sky view factor using 3D urban raster and vector data bases: comparison and application to urban climate. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 95, 111-123

Gál T, Unger J, 2009: Detection of ventilation paths using high-resolution roughness parameter mapping in a large urban area. Building and Environment 44, 198-206

Kántor N, Égerházi L, Gulyás Á, Unger J, 2009: The visitors’ attendance on a square according to the thermal comfort conditions – case study in Szeged (Hungary). The 7th Int Conf on Urban Climate, Yokohama, Japan, CD

Balázs B, Unger J, Gál T, Sümeghy Z, Geiger J, Szegedi S, 2009: Simulation of the mean urban heat island using 2D surface parameters: empirical modeling, verification and extension. Meteorol Appl 16, 275-287

Unger J, 2009: The urban heat island. Kalmár F, Kocsis I, Csomós Gy, Csáki I (eds): Building Energy. 15th Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days. Debrecen, 35-44

Gulyás Á, Unger J, 2009: A humán bioklimatikus viszonyokra gyakorolt városi módosító hatások. In Szabó V, Fazekas I (szerk): Települési környezet. II. Települési Környezet Konferencia, Debrecen, 167-172

Égerházi L, Kántor N, Gulyás Á, Gál T, Unger J, 2009: Városi közterületek mikro-bioklimatikus vizsgálata. In Szabó V, Fazekas I (szerk): Települési környezet. II. Települési Környezet Konferencia, Debrecen, 174-175

Kántor N, Gulyás Á, Unger J, 2009: A térinformatika alkalmazási lehetőségei a szabadtéri humánkomfort-vizsgálatok során. In Szabó V, Fazekas I (szerk): Települési környezet. II. Települési Környezet Konferencia, Debrecen, 265-271

Kántor N, Égerházi L, Gulyás Á, Unger J, 2009: Attendance of a green area in Szeged according to the thermal comfort conditions. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 42-43, 57-66

Mucsi L, Unger J, Henits L, 2009: A beépítettség és a városi hősziget kapcsolatrendszerének vizsgálata geoinformatikai módszerekkel Szegeden. Földrajzi Közlemények 113, 411-429

Kántor N, Gulyás L, Égerházi L, Unger J, 2010: Benefits and opportunities of the adaptation of geoinformatical software in outdoor human comfort studies. Urban Climate News 35, 10-13

Gulyás Á, Matzarakis A, Unger J, 2010: Comparison of the urban-rural comfort sensation in a city with warm continental climate. Berichte Meteorol Inst Albert-Ludwigs-Univ Freiburg 20, 473-478

Unger J, Sümeghy Z, Szegedi S, Kiss A, Géczi R, 2010: Comparison and generalisation of spatial patterns of the urban heat island based on normalized values. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 35, 107-114

Gulyás Á, Unger J, 2010: Különböző léptékű humán komfort vizsgálatok Szeged példáján. In Unger J (szerk.): Geoszférák 2009. A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Földtudományok Doktori Iskolájának eredményei. GeoLitera, SZTE TTIK Földrajzi és Földtani Tanszékcsoport, Szeged, 151-192

Égerházi L, Kántor N, Gulyás Á, 2009b: Investigation of human thermal comfort by observating the utilization of open air terraces in catering places – A case study in Szeged. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 42-43, 29-37

Sümeghy Z, 2009: Influence of different factors on relative air humidity in Szeged, Hungary. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 42-43, 131-141

Bartholy J, Pongrácz R, Lelovics E, Dezső Zs, 2009: Comparison of urban heat island effect using ground-based and satellite measurements. Acta Climatologica Univ Szegediensis 42-43, 7-15

Dobi I, Mika J, Olah AB, Lelovics E, Dezső Zs, Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, 2009: Cold and hot events in urban environment. In: Preprints of the 7th International Conference on Urban Climate. (ed: Kanda, M.) Yokohama, Japan. CD-ROM 4p.

Pongrácz R, Bartholy J, Dezső Zs, 2010: Application of remotely sensed thermal information to urban climatology of Central European cities. Physics and Chemistry of Earth, 35, 95-99, doi: 10.1016/j.pce.2010.03.004.

Dezső Zs, Bartholy J, Pongrácz R, 2010: A városi hősziget műholdas vizsgálata Magyarország nagyvárosaiban. Természet Világa 141/6, 254-258.

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