Sunday, 09 March 2025

KRITéR (CRIGiS) – Vulnerability/Impact Studies with a focus on Tourismand Critical Infrastructures

Supporting organization

European Economic Area (EEA) Grant, Adaptation to Climate Change Programme (Contract ID number: EEA-C12-13)

Duration of the project

30. 04. 2015 – 31.12. 2015.

Participants of the project

Hungarian Meteorological Service
National Center of Environmental Health, Budapest, Hungary
National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Budapest, Hungary

Aim of the project

In Hungary, some increase has already been detected in intensity and frequency of temperature and precipitation extremes. All these confirm the necessity of adaptation to climate change. Climate change impacts on human health has already been assessed in Hungary and health effects of heatwaves have been monitored. Climatic conditions of several touristic target areas are investigated using international methodology and adaptation of the available indices and approaches have been also started for Hungarian population recently. At the same time, important components of transport sector have not been defined and designed in lack of commencing the related government regulation, therefore, no detailed assessment is available for the country.

There have not been existing and harmonized researches for climate change impacts on different sectors yet. To prepare targeted and sustainable adaptation strategies, it is indispensable to elaborate an objective approach helping quantify the exposure, vulnerability and adaptation capacity of any sectors.

Main purposes of the project were to establish such a methodology for the tourism and critical infrastructures (with special emphasis on human health and road networks), and to extend the NAGIS with the related indicators for exposure, vulnerability and adaptive capacity. High-quality meteorological information of NAGIS makes possible not only that further users (researchers, decision makers) can apply the information based on the same (i.e., consistent) input data, but the methodology to be prepared in the framework of the project can also be adapted to other studies. During the proposed action, direct exposure indicators were defined and developed with special focus on estimating the effects of extreme weather events. The basic methodology developed in the project can be extended with the quantification of methodology uncertainties in a later stage, for instance.

Since the project was concentrating on tourism and critical infrastructures, strong collaboration with professionals of these sectors was scheduled. Furthermore, for later extension of the methodology, consultation with experts of other sectors were also planned. A cooperation is already built up with the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary (MFGI) in the framework of the core component (C1) of NAGIS and some professionals through MFGI, so the project was supported by existing collaborations, as well.

Project website

Study News


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