Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Climatological evaluation and forecast of the intra-urban patterns of thermal and human comfort conditions

Supporting organization

Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, OTKA K 111768

Duration of the project

01. 01. 2015. - 31. 12. 2018.

Participants of the project

University of Szeged, Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology

Aim of the project

In Szeged – in our region unique and also globally rare – station network is set up during 2014. During the processing of incoming data detailed maps are produced showing the variations of the thermal and human comfort conditions within the city which appear on the internet continuously updated. This network system planned for years provides a unique opportunity for the thorough processing of the timely expanding data base, and in addition for the development of detailed weather and human comfort forecasts for urban areas. Objectives:
- Development of a method for quantifying of human comfort conditions in the area.
- Development of the map presentation of the measurement data of the network using urban surface features. Analysis of the method’s accuracy by field measurements and micro-climate modelling.
- Analysis of the areal and temporal variations of the thermal and human comfort conditions within the city. Comparison of the differences between the seasons and between the day and night. Analysis of the impact of weather conditions on the temperature variations within the city..
- Development of a few day forecasting method for urban areas based on global weather forecasts, network measurements and the surface features. The forecasts finally worked out by optimal method will be freely available on the internet updating continuously.

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