Sunday, 09 March 2025

Climate change impact assessments for sustainable tourism development in Hungary

Supporting organization

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, NKFI PD 142335

Duration of the project

01. 12. 2022. – 30. 11. 2025.

Participant of the project

Attila Kovács

Aim of the project

The tourist attraction of an area is influenced by several factors. Beyond the geographical location, the topography, the landscape and the flora and fauna, the climate is also a major tourist resource. Climate can be a decisive factor for tourists in selecting target areas by determining the suitability of an area for different tourism activities, and the time and length of favourable periods. It also has an impact on the general satisfaction and well-being of visitors in the target area. Tourist destinations that have a ’favourable’ climate can gain a competitive advantage over other host areas.
Tourism is extremely sensitive to climate change. Climate change affects different tourist destinations and tourism activities in different ways. Target areas offering climate-sensitive activities (such as water or ski tourism) may be in a difficult situation if the main tourist attraction is lost. Therefore it is very important to help to promote the sustainable development of tourist regions by determining the present climatic conditions of tourism (the so-called climate potential) and analysing the future changes.
The basic aim of the research is to reveal the expected development of tourism climatic conditions for the area of Hungary and for urban areas of the country during the 21st century. Based on the results of the research – regard to the shortage of the topic and the large number of stakeholders – recommendations will be summarised for tourists and decision-makers to adapt to the effects of climate change on tourism.

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