At our institute, geography education takes place on three levels. At the first two levels, our students can study BSc Geography and MSc geography at undergraduate level, while students who like to become teacher can follow the undivided geography teacher program. The third level of education is the doctoral program (PhD), in which our students have the opportunity to continue their studies and deepen their research work within the framework of the Doctoral Schools of Earth Sciences or Environmental Sciences.
A detail description of the educational programs can be found via the following links:
Földrajz BSc (in Hungarian) | Geográfus MSc (in Hungarian) | Földrajztanár Osztatlan (Geography Teacher in Hungarian)
MSc Geography | MSc Geoinformatics | PhD in Earth Sciences
Since 2018, the department, in cooperation with partner departments provides the MSc Geography program aimed a international students that want to understand the spatial patterns of environmental, and social processes, to develop research-based solutions, to demonstrate and communicate research results, to plan and manage the sustainable development of natural and human environment and to influence policy-making. More information can be found here
Stipendium PhD program
Our department is also taking part in the stipendium PhD program, where student from selected countries can apply for a PhD position at the doctoral schools at our institute. More information can be found here.
The Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics provides different courses in the ERASMUS program. The official language is Hungarian, but there is no need to speak Hungarian, as we offer numerous courses in English (Geoinformatics, Geography, Hydrography, Physical Geography of the Carpathian Basin, Historical Geography of Landscape). These courses will be held just in the autumn semester! Besides, many other courses (not necessarily in the field of geography) are also in English at the University.
The Department is well equipped with PCs, survey equipment, soil and sediment laboratories, so students can choose from a wide-range of research activities. We even provide an “ERASMUS room”, where students can get a PC or just a place to relax.
The Department is at the city center, 5-minute-walk from the greatest attractions of Szeged. The University Information Centre is located right next to the department building. The newly constructed Centre hosts the University Library and provides excellent computer facilities for the students. The ERASMUS life is very vibrant at the University. Meetings, parties and other social events are organized on a day to day basis.
If you are interested, please read the papers of our former incoming students, and do not hesitate to ask the International Office at your University, or write us an e-mail.