Welcome to the Department of Geoinformatics, Physical and Environmental Geography of the University of Szeged!
Geography education at our university started in 1921. Our department was established in 1964 as Department of Physical Geography with László Jakucs, the well-known karst researcher as head. In 2002 the name changed to Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics as Remote Sensing and GIS became more and more important besides the traditional ways of researches, applied geomorphology and environmental investigations. In 2020, our name was changed again to Department of Geoinformatics, Physical and Environmental Geography to reflect the changing profile of the research and education conducted at the department.
Nowadays altogether 500-600 BSc students in Geography and 110 MSc students in Geography study at our university, many of them take active part in the education and research activity of the Department. Moreover, the Department also plays a significant role in the education of students in environmental science.
In the frame of the Erasmus program our Department has close co-operation with 12 universities of numerous countries in Europe, and also with the West Virginia University in the USA.