Geography MSc (angol nyelven)

The aim of the programme is to train professional geographers, who can understand the contemporary spatial processes of the natural environment and human society. Therefore, the programme includes aspects of both human and physical geography. We provide practical knowledge to our students by working with geographic information systems, statistical tools, qualitative assessment and survey methods. During their studies our students will be mentored by outstanding scholars who are recognized researchers in various geographical themes, and they will have the chance to work with distinguished experts in their field, both independently and as members of multi-professional teams. After graduation our students will be able to develop research-based solutions, to demonstrate and communicate research results, to plan and manage the sustainable development of natural and human environment and to influence policy-making. The skills and competencies gained during the programme meet the expectations of various types of potential employers from local and regional administration, to management and planning authorities (e.g. environmental protection, urban development).

Fields of specialization within the Geography MSc programme include landscape and environmental management and regional and urban planning. Students choosing landscape and environmental management will study the factors that underlie current environmental challenges including climate change, and the basic principles of the sustainable management of environment-resource systems. Students opting for regional and urban planning will focus more on human-environment relationships, challenges of urbanization and regional growth, as well as practices of territorial planning at local, national and European Union levels. Outstanding graduates can continue their studies and research in the frame of the Geosciences PhD program at the University of Szeged.

For more information please contact Dr. Zoltán Kovács via e-mail to

Friss Hírek

2024. február 29-én, csütörtökön a „100 éves a szegedi geográfusképzés: földrajztudomány a fenntartható jövő szolgálatában” című előadássorozat első előadása, ahol Vajda Tamás, az SZTE Levéltárának igazgatója bemutatta Kogutowicz Károly iskolateremtő munkásságát, majd ezt követően intézetünk jelen lévő oktatói, illetve a közönség szakmai beszélgetést folytattak az előadóval.

Az érdeklődőknek köszönjük a részvételt.