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Mit is jelent ez? A SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) ingyenesen elérhető adatbázis által használt normalizált mérőszám, amelyet úgy számolnak, hogy az adott évben kapott súlyozott hivatkozások átlagos számát osztják az előző 3 évben publikált dokumentumok számával. Az SJR indikátor alapján azután tudományterületenként csökkenő sorrendbe rendezik a folyóiratokat, és 4 kvartilist határoznak meg: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. A legjobb 25% folyóirat tartozik a Q1 kvartilisbe. A D1 pedig speciális, az MTMT által használt indikátor. Ugyanúgy az SJR adatbázisból, az SJR indikátor alapján határozzák meg, mint a Q értékeket. Az első decilisbe, azaz a top 10%-ba tartozó folyóiratok kaphatnak D1 jelölést MTMT-ben. Ilyen értelemben a Q1 folyóiratok szűkebb, legjobb minőségű részhalmazát alkotják.
Körmös, S., Varga, A., Raucsik, B., Lukoczki, G., Radovics, B. G., Papp, N., Futó, I., Schubert, F. (2023): Reservoir heterogeneity of an Eocene mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession, northern Pannonian Basin, Marine and Petroleum Geology 147, Paper: 105984, 24 p.
Szemerédi, M., Varga, A., Lukács, R., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Tatu, M., Kovács, Z., Raucsik, B., Benkó, Zs., Harangi, Sz., Pál-Molnár, E. (2023): Large-volume Permian felsic volcanism in the Tisza Mega-unit (East-Central Europe): Evidence from mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology, Lithos 456-457, Paper: 107330, 21 p.
Tóth, E.; Hrabovszki, E.; Schubert, F.; M. Tóth, T. Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) Modelling of a High-Level Radioactive WasteRepository Host Rock and the Effects on Its Hydrogeological Behaviour. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2022, 156, 104556, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104556
Marcell, Lux; Janos Szanyi (2022): Effects of vertical anisotropy on optimization of multilateral well geometry. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. Volume 208, Part B, January 2022, 109424. Lux). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109424
Hrabovszki Ervin, Tóth Emese, Tóth Tivadar M., Garaguly István, Futó István, Máthé Zoltán, Schubert Félix: Geochemical and microtextural properties of veins in a potential high-level radioactive waste disposal site. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 154 Paper: 104490, 18 p. (2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2021.104490
Osvald M, Kilpatrick A, Rochelle CA, Szanyi J, Raucsik B, Medgyes T, Kóbor B: Laboratory investigations of the physical parameters influencing the in situ leaching of tungsten. GEOTHERMICS 89 Paper: 101992, 7 p. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2020.101992
Körmös Sándor, Sachsenhofer F. Reinhard, Bechtel Achim, Radovics Balázs Géza, Milota Katalin, Schubert Félix: Source rock potential, crude oil characteristics and oil-to-source rock correlation in a Central Paratethys sub-basin, the Hungarian Palaeogene Basin (Pannonian basin). Marine and Petroleum Geology Volume 127, 104955 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104955
Sümegi Pál, Gulyás Sándor, Molnár Dávid, Bozsó Gábor, Fekete István, Makó László, Cseh Péter, Molnár Mihály, Sümegi Balázs P., Almond Peter, Zeeden Christian, Törőcsik Tünde, Nett Janina J., Markó András, Lehmkuhl Frank: New chronology and extended palaeoenvironmental data to the 1975 loess profile of Madaras brickyard, South Hungary. JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE 36: 8 pp. 1364-1381., 18 p. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3382
Polgári M, Biondi JC, Gyollai I, Fintor K, Szabó M: Origin of the Urucum iron formations (Neoproterozoic, Brazil): Textural and mineralogical evidence (Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil). ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 139 Paper: 104456, 25 p. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104456
Yu W, Polgári M, Fintor K, Gyollai I, Szabó M, Velledits F, Liu Z, Du Y: Contribution of microbial processes to the enrichment of Middle Permian manganese deposits in northern Guizhou, South China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 136 Paper: 104259 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104259
Yu W, Polgári M, Gyollai I, Fintor K, Huang H, Szabó M, Du Y: Microbial metallogenesis of early carboniferous manganese deposit in central Guangxi, South China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 136 Paper: 104251 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104251
Fenta Mulugeta C., Potter David K., Szanyi János: Fibre Optic Methods of Prospecting: A Comprehensive and Modern Branch of Geophysics. SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS 42: 3 pp. 551-584., 34 p. (2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-021-09634-
Beke B, Szőcs E, Hips K, Schubert F, Petrik A, Milovský R, Fodor L: Evolution of deformation mechanism and fluid flow in two pre-rift siliciclastic deposits (Pannonian Basin, Hungary). GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 199 Paper: 103434 (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103434
M. Tóth, T., Vargáné Tóth, I. (2020): Lithologically controlled behaviour of the Dorozsma metamorphic hydrocarbon reservoir (Pannonian Basin, SE Hungary). Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 195, 107748.
Szemerédi M, Pál‑Molnár E, Lukács R, Varga A, Szepesi J, Guillong M, Dunkl I, Józsa S, Szakmány Gy, Tatu M, Harangi Sz: Permianfelsic volcanic rocks in the Pannonian Basin (Hungary): newpetrographic, geochemical, and geochronological results. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 109: pp. 101–125. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-019-01791-x
Kereskenyi E, Szakmany G, Feher B, Harsanyi I, Szilagyi V, Kasztovszky Z, Toth T M: Archaeometrical results related to Neolithic amphibolite stone implements from Northeast Hungary. JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS 32 Paper: 102437, 18 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102437
Szalontai B., Debreczeny M., Fintor K., Bagyinka C.: SVD-clustering, a general image-analyzing method explained and demonstrated on model and Raman micro-spectroscopic maps. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 10: 1 Paper: 4238 (2020), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61206-9
Körmös Sándor, Achim Bechtel, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, Radovics Balázs Géza, Milota Katalin, Schubert Félix: Petrographic and organic geochemical study of the Eocene Kosd Formation (northern Pannonian Basin): Implications for paleoenvironment and hydrocarbon source potential. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 228 Paper: 103555, 15 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2020.103555
Gál P, Polgári M, Józsa S, Gyollai I, Kovács I, Szabó M, Fintor K: Contribution to the origin of Mn-U-Be-HREE-enrichment in phosphorite, near Bükkszentkereszt, NE Hungary. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 125 Paper: 103665, 28 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103665
Tóth E, Hrabovszki E, M. Tóth T, Schubert F: Shear strain and volume change associated with sigmoidal vein arrays in the Boda Claystone. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 138 Paper: 104105, 11 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104105
Hrabovszki E, Tóth E, M. Tóth T, Máthé Z, Schubert F: Potential formation mechanisms of early diagenetic displacive veins in the Permian Boda Claystone Formation. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 138 Paper: 104098, 16 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104098
Kalmár László, Medgyes Tamás, Szanyi János: Specifying boundary conditions for economical closed loop deep geothermal heat production. ENERGY 196 Paper: 117068, 21 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.117068
Biondi CJ, Polgári M, Gyollai I, Fintor K, Kovács I, Fekete J, Mojzsis SJ.: Biogenesis of the neoproterozoic kremydilite manganese ores from urucum (brazil) – a new manganese ore type. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 340 Paper: 105624, 27 p. (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105624
Radics, B. L., Makan, G., Coppens, T., André, N., Page, C., Dégrugilliers, L., Bayat, S. K., Gingl, Z., Gyurkovits, Z., M. Tóth, T., Hantos, Z., Bayat, S. (2020): Effect of nasal airway nonlinearities on oscillometric resistance measurements in infants. J. Appl Physiol., 129, 591-598. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00128.2020
Mészáros E, Varga A, Raucsik B, Benkó Zs, Heincz A, Hauzenberger CA: Provenance and Variscan low‑grade regional metamorphism recorded in slates from the basement of the (SW Hungary). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 108: pp. 1571–1593. (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-019-01720-y
Baranyi V, Rostási Á, Raucsik B, Kürschner WM: Palynology and weathering proxies reveal climatic fluctuations during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) (late Triassic) from marine successions in the Transdanubian Range (western Hungary). GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 177 pp. 157-172., 16 p. (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.01.018
Yu W, Polgári M, Gyollai I, Fintor K, Szabó M, Kovács I, Fekete J, Du Y, Zhou Qi: Microbial metallogenesis of Cryogenian manganese ore deposits in South China. PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH 322 pp. 122-135., 14 p. (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.01.004
Krot Alexander N., Nagashima Kazuhide, Fintor Krisztián, Pál-Molnár Elemér: Evidence for oxygen-isotope exchange in refractory inclusions from Kaba (CV3.1) carbonaceous chondrite during fluid-rock interaction on the CV parent asteroid. GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 246 pp. 419-435., 17 p. (2019), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2018.11.002
M. Tóth, T. (2018): Fracture network characterization using 1D and 2D data of the Mórágy Granite body, Southern Hungary. Journal of Structural Geology, 113, 176-187. doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2018.05.029
Garaguly I, Varga A, Raucsik B, Schubert F, Czuppon Gy, Frei R: Pervasive early diagenetic dolomitization, subsequent hydrothermal alteration, and late stage hydrocarbon accumulation in a Middle Triassic carbonate sequence (Szeged Basin, SE Hungary). MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 98: pp. 270‒290. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.07.024
Dal Corso J, Gianolla P, Rigo M, Franceschi M, Roghi G, Mietto P, Manfrin S, Raucsik B, Budai T, Jenkyns HC, Reymond CE, Caggiati M, Gattolin G, Breda A, Merico A, Preto N: Multiple negative carbon-isotope excursions during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (Late Triassic). EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 185: pp. 732‒750. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.07.004
Khan Sahroz, Dongre Ashish, Viljoen Fanus, Li Qui‐Li, Le Roux Peter: Petrogenesis of lamprophyres synchronous to kimberlites from the Wajrakarur kimberlite field: Implications for contrasting lithospheric mantle sources and geodynamic evolution of the eastern Dharwar Craton of southern India. GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 1–23. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.3394
Sümegi P, Gulyás S, Molnár D, Sümegi B P, Almond P C, Vandenberghe J, Zhou L, Pál-Molnár E, Törőcsik T, Hao Q, Smalley I, Molnár M, Marsi I: New chronology of the best developed loess/paleosol sequence of Hungary capturing the past 1.1 ma: Implications for correlation and proposed pan-Eurasian stratigraphic schemes. QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 191 pp. 144-166., 23 p. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.04.012
Vass I, Tóth TM, Szanyi J, Kovács B: Hybrid numerical modelling of fluid and heat transport between the overpressured and gravitational flow systems of the Pannonian Basin. GEOTHERMICS 72 pp. 268-276., 9 p. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.11.013
Anikó Batki, Elemér Pál-Molnár, M Éva Jankovics, Andrew C Kerr, Balázs Kiss, Gregor Markl, Adrián Heincz, Szabolcs Harangi: Insights into the evolution of an alkaline magmatic system: An in situ trace element study of clinopyroxenes from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. LITHOS 300-301 pp. 51-71., 21 p. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2017.11.029
János Balázs, Zsolt Bereczki, Attila Bencsik, György V Székely, László Paja, Erika Molnár, Ágnes Fogl, Gábor Galbács, György Pálfi: Partial mummification and extraordinary context observed in perinate burials: a complex osteoarcheological study applying ICP-AES, μXRF, and macromorphological methods. ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 10: 3 pp. 685-695., 11 p. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-016-0391-3
Bauer M., M. Tóth, T. (2017): Characterization and DFN modelling of the fracture network in a Mesozoic karst reservoir: Gomba oilfield, Paleogene Basin, Central Hungary. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 40/3, 319-334.
Molnár Z, Polgári M, Hein JR, Józsa S, Fekete J, Gyollai I, Fintor K, Bíró L, Szabó M, Rapi S, Forgó P, Vigh Tamás: Fe-Mn oxide indications in the feeder and mound zone of the Jurassic Mn-carbonate ore deposit, Úrkút, Hungary. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 86 pp. 839-855., 17 p. (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.11.005
Müller T, Price GD, Bajnai D, Nyerges A, Kesjár D, Raucsik B, Varga A, Judik K, Fekete J, May Z, Pálfy J: New multiproxy record of the Jenkyns Event (also known as the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event) from the Mecsek Mountains (Hungary): Differences, duration and drivers. SEDIMENTOLOGY 64: S1 pp. 66-86., 21 p. (2017), https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.12332
Rajabzadeh MA, Haddad F, Polgári M, Fintor K, Walter H, Molnár Z, Gyollai I: Investigation on the role of microorganisms in manganese mineralization from Abadeh-Tashk area, Fars Province, southwestern Iran by using petrographic and geochemical data. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 80 pp. 229-249., 21 p. (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.06.035
Fejes, I., Farsang, A., M. Tóth, T. (2017): Integrated evaluation of urban groundwater hydrogeochemistry in context of fractal behaviour of groundwater level fluctuations. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 62, 1216-1229. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2017.1306861F
Baranyi V, Pálfy J, Görög Á, Riding JB, Raucsik B: Multiphase response of palynomorphs to the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic) in the Réka Valley section, Hungary. REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY 235: pp. 51‒70. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2016.09.011
Sebag D, Verrecchia EP, Cécillon L, Adatte T, Albrecht R, Aubert M, Bureau F, Cailleau G, Copard Y, Decaens T, Disnar J-R, Hetényi M, Nyilas T, Trombino L: Dynamics of soil organic matter based on new Rock-Eval indices. GEODERMA 284 pp. 185-203., 19 p. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.08.025
Polgári M, Hein JR, Bíró L, Gyollai I, Németh T, Sajgó C, Fekete J, Schwark L, Pál-Molnár E, Hámor-Vidó M, Vigh T: Mineral and chemostratigraphy of a Toarcian black shale hosting Mn-carbonate microbialites (Úrkút, Hungary). PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 459 pp. 99-120., 22 p. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.06.030
Dal Corso J, Gianolla P, Newton R J, Franceschi M, Roghi G, Caggiati M, Raucsik B, Budai T, Haas J, Preto N: Carbon isotope records reveal synchronicity between carbon cycle perturbation and the “Carnian Pluvial Event” in the Tethys realm (Late Triassic). GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE 127 pp. 79-90., 12 p. (2015), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.01.013
Mindrescu M, Németh A, Grădinaru I, Bihari Á, Németh T, Fekete J, Bozsó G, Kern Z: Bolătău sediment record – chronology, microsedimentology and potential for a high resolution multimillennial paleoenvironmental proxy archive. QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY 32 pp. 11-20., 10 p. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2015.10.007
Polgári M, Németh T, Pál-Molnár E, Futó I, Vígh Tamás, Mojzsis JS: Correlated chemostratigraphy of Mn-carbonate microbialites (Úrkút, Hungary). GONDWANA RESEARCH 29: 1 pp. 278-289., 11 p. (2016), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2014.12.002
Pál-Molnár E, Batki A, Almási E, Kiss B, Upton BGJ, Markl G, Odling N, Harangi Sz: Origin of mafic and ultramafic cumulates from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. LITHOS 239 pp. 1-18., 18 p. (2015), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2015.09.022
Újvári G, Varga A, Raucsik B, Kovács J: The Paks loess-paleosol sequence: A record of chemical weathering and provenance for the last 800 ka in the mid-Carpathian Basin. QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 319: pp. 22‒37. (2014), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.04.004
Batki A, Pál-Molnár E, Dobosi G, Skelton A: Petrogenetic significance of ocellar camptonite dykes in the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. LITHOS 200-201: 1 pp. 181-196., 16 p. (2014), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2014.04.022
Kiss Balázs, Harangi Szabolcs, Ntaflos Theodoros, Mason Paul RD, Pál-Molnár Elemér: Amphibole perspective to unravel pre-eruptive processes and conditions in volcanic plumbing systems beneath intermediate arc volcanoes: a case study from Ciomadul volcano (SE Carpathians). CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 167:3 Paper: 986, 27 p. (2014), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00410-014-0986-6
Skultéti, Á., M. Tóth, T., Fintor, K., Schubert, F. (2014): Deformation history reconstruction using single quartz grain Raman microspectroscopy data. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 45/4, 314-321. doi: 10.1002/jrs.4456
Dabi G, Bajnóczi B, Schubert F, M Tóth T: The origin and role of a calcite-filled microcrack generation in a metamorphic crystalline complex: The characterization of a fossilised seismic permeability system. TECTONOPHYSICS 608 pp. 792-803., 12 p. (2013), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.07.039
Veréb G, Manczinger L, Bozsó G, Sienkiewicz A, Forró L, Mogyorósi K, Hernádi K, Dombi A: Comparison of the photocatalytic efficiencies of bare and doped rutile and anatase TiO2 photocatalysts under visible light for phenol degradation and E. coli inactivation. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL 129 pp. 566-574., 9 p. (2013), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2012.09.045
Haas J, Budai T, Raucsik B: Climatic controls on sedimentary environments in the Triassic of the Transdanubian Range (Western Hungary). PALAEOGEOGRAPHY, PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY, PALAEOECOLOGY 353‒355: pp. 31‒44. (2012), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2012.06.031
Polgári M, Hein J R, Tóth A L, Pál-Molnár E, Vigh T, Bíró L, Fintor K: Microbial action formed Jurassic Mn-carbonate ore deposit in only a few hundred years (Úrkút, Hungary). GEOLOGY 40: 10 pp. 903-906., 4 p. (2012), https://doi.org/10.1130/G33304.1
Újvári G, Varga A, Ramos F C, Kovács J, Németh T, Stevens T: Evaluating the use of clay mineralogy, Sr-Nd isotopes and zircon U-Pb ages in tracking dust provenance: An example from loess of the Carpathian Basin. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 304-305 pp. 83-96., 14 p. (2012), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.02.007
Dabi, G., Siklósi, Z., Schubert, F., Bajnóczi, B., M. Tóth, T. (2011): The relevance of vein texture in understanding the past hydraulic behaviour of a crystalline rock mass: reconstruction of the palaeohydrology of the Mecsekalja Zone, south Hungary. Geofluids, 11/3, 309-327.
Fintor, K., M. Tóth, T., Schubert, F. (2011): Hydrothermal palaeofluid circulation in the fracture network of the Baksa Gneiss Complex of SW Pannonian Basin, Hungary. Geofluids, 11/2, 144-165. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-8123.2011.00327.x
M. Tóth, T., Vass, I. (2011): Relationship between the geometric parameters of rock fractures, the size of percolation clusters and REV. Mathematical Geosciences, 43, 75-97. doi: 10.1007/s11004-010-9315-4
M Tóth T: Determination of geometric parameters of fracture networks using 1D data. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 32: 7 pp. 878-885., 8 p. (2010), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2009.04.006
Polgári M, Hein J R, Tóth M, Brukner-Wein A, Vigh T, Bíró L, Cserháti C: Genesis of a regionally widespread celadonitic chert ironstone bed overlying upper Lias manganese deposits, Hungary. JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 167: 2 pp. 313-328., 16 p. (2010), http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/0016-76492008-132
Nédli Zs, M Tóth T, Downes H, Császár G, Beard A, Szabó Cs: Petrology and geodynamical interpretation of mantle xenoliths from Late Cretaceous lamprophyres, Villány Mts (S Hungary). TECTONOPHYSICS 489: 1-4 pp. 43-54., 12 p. (2010), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2010.03.013
Szanyi, János ; Kovács, Balázs: Utilization of geothermal systems in South-East Hungary, GEOTHERMICS 39 pp. 357-364,8 p. (2010) doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2010.09.004
Fall A, Bodnar JR, Szabó Cs, Pál-Molnár E: Fluid evolution in the nepheline syenites of the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Transylvania, Romania. LITHOS 95: 3-4 pp. 331-345., 15 p. (2007), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2006.08.005
Vető I, Ozsvárt P, Futó I, Hetényi M: Extension of carbon flux estimation to oxic sediments based on sulphur geochemistry and analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages: A case history from the Eocene of Hungary. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 248: 1-2 pp. 119-144., 26 p. (2007), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.12.001
Pálfy J, Demény A, Haas J, Carter E S, Görög Á, Halász D, Oravecz-Scheffer A, Hetényi M, Márton E, Orchard MJ, Ozsvárt P, Vető I, Zajzon N: Triassic-Jurassic boundary events inferred from integrated stratigraphy of the Csovar section, Hungary. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 244: 1-4 pp. 11-33., 23 p. (2007), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.06.021
Schubert F, Diamond L W, M Tóth T: Fluid-inclusion evidence of petroleum migration through a buried metamorphic dome in the Pannonian Basin, Hungary. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY 244: 3-4 pp. 357-381., 25 p. (2007), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.05.019
Zachar J, M Tóth T, Janák M: Kyanite eclogite xenolith from the orthogneiss terrane of the Tisza Megaunit, Jánoshalma area, crystalline basement of southern Hungary. LITHOS 99: 3-4 pp. 249-265., 17 p. (2007), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2007.06.001
Posgay K, Bodoky T, Hajnal Z, M Tóth T, Fancsik T, Hegedűs E, Cs Kovács A, Takács E: Interpretation of subhorizontal crustal reflections by metamorphic and rheologic effects in the eastern part of the Pannonian Basin. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 167: 1 pp. 187-203., 17 p. (2006), https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03000.x
Barczi, A., M. Tóth, T., Csanádi, A., Sümegi, P., Czinkota, I. (2006): Reconstruction of the paleo-environment and soil evolution of the Csípő-halom kurgan, Hungary. Quaternary International, 156-157, 49-59. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2006.05.024
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