Jakab, G., Pál, I., Silye, L., Sümegi, P., Tóth, A., Sümegi, B., Frink, J. P., Magyari, E. K., Kern, Z., Benkő, E. (2023): Social Context of Late Medieval and Early Modern Deforestation Periods in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) based on an Integrated Evaluation of Historical and Paleobotanical Records. Environmental Archaeology, 28/5, pp. 345-366.
Lados, G., Hegedűs, G., Kovács, Z. (2023): The role of identity and ontological (in)security in return migration : an empirical perspective from Hungary. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 24, pp. 445-464.
Amankulova, K., Farmonov, N., Mucsi, L. (2023): Time-series analysis of Sentinel-2 satellite images for sunflower yield estimation. Smart Agricultural Technology, 3., Paper: 100098.
Maloutas, T., Spyrellis, S-N., Szabó, B., Kovács, Z. (2023): Vertical segregation in the apartment blocks of Athens and Budapest: a comparative study. European Urban and Regional Studies, 30/1, pp. 72-90.
Körmös, S., Varga, A., Raucsik, B., Lukoczki, G., Radovics, B. G., Papp, N., Futó, I., Schubert, F. (2023): Reservoir heterogeneity of an Eocene mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession, northern Pannonian Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 147, Paper: 105984, 24 p.
Halász, N., Berkesi, M., Tóth, T. M., Mitchell, R. H., Milke, R., Guzmics, T. (2023): Reconstruction of magma chamber processes preserved in olivine-phlogopite micro-ijolites from the Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 197, Paper: 104738, 16 p.
Mirhoseini, N., S. Mahdi, Abbasi-Moghadam, D., Sharifi, A., Farmonov, N., Amankulova, K., Mucsi, L. (2023):Multispectral Crop Yield Prediction Using 3D-Convolutional Neural Networks and Attention Convolutional LSTM Approaches. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 254-266.
Elznicová, J., Kiss, T., von Suchodoletz, H., Bartyik, T., Sipos, Gy., Lenďáková, Z., Fačevicová, K., Pavlů, I., Kovárník, J., Matys G. T. (2023): Was the termination of the Jizera River meandering during the Late Holocene caused by anthropogenic or climatic forcing? Earth Surface Processes And Landforms, 48/4, pp. 669-686.
Kajári, B., Bozán, Cs., Van Leeuwen, B. (2023): Monitoring of Inland Excess Water Inundations Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Land (Basel), 12/1, Paper: 36, 22 p.
Ladányi, Zs., Balog, K., Tóth, T., Barna, Gy. (2023): Longer-term monitoring of a degrading sodic lake: landscape level impacts of hydrological regime changes and restoration interventions (SE Hungary). Arid Land Research and Management, 37/3, pp. 389-407.
Jancsek, K., Janovszky, P., Galbács, G., M. Tóth, T. (2023): Granite alteration as the origin of high lithium content of groundwater in southeast Hungary. Applied Geochemistry, 149, Paper: 105570, 14 p.
Varga, A., Pál-Molnár, E., Raucsik, B. (2023): Revealing the Mineralogical and Petrographic Signs of Fluid-Related Processes in the Kelebia Basement Area (Szeged Basin, S Hungary): A Case Study of Alpine Prograde Metamorphism in a Permo-Triassic Succession. Geofluids, pp. 1-18. Paper: 8600576.
Farmonov, N., Amankulova, K., Szatmari, J., Sharifi, A., Abbasi-Moghadam, D., Mirhoseini N., Seyed M., Mucsi, L. (2023): Crop Type Classification by DESIS Hyperspectral Imagery and Machine Learning Algorithms. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 1576-1588.
Visztra, G. V., Frei, K., Hábenczyus, A. A., Soóky, A., Bátori, Z., Laborczi, A., Csikós, N., Szatmári, G., Szilassi, P. (2023): Applicability of Point- and Polygon-Based Vegetation Monitoring Data to Identify Soil, Hydrological and Climatic Driving Forces of Biological Invasions—A Case Study of Ailanthus altissima, Elaeagnus angustifolia and Robinia pseudoacacia. Plants-Basel, 12/4, Paper:855, 14 p.
Bátori, Z., Valkó, O., Vojtkó, A., Tölgyesi, Cs., Farkas, T., Frei, K., Hábenczyus, A., A., Tóth, Á., Li, G., Rádai, Z. et al. (2023): Environmental heterogeneity increases the conservation value of small natural features in karst landscapes, Science of the Total Environment, 872, Paper: 162120.
Sa’adu, I., Farsang, A. (2023): Plastic contamination in agricultural soils: a review. Environmental Sciences Europe, 35/1, Paper: 13.
Farmonov, N., Amankulova, K., Szatmári, J., Urinov, J., Narmanov, Z., Nosirov, J., Mucsi, L. (2023): Combining PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 images with environmental data for improved wheat yield estimation. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16/1, pp. 847-867.
Tóth, E., Hrabovszki, E., M. Tóth, T. (2023): Using geophysical log data to predict the fracture density in a claystone host rock for storing high-level nuclear waste. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, 58/1, pp. 35-51.
Marković, S., Vandenberghe, J., Perić, Z. M., Filyó, D., Bartyik, T., Radaković, M. G., Hao, Q., Marković, R. S., Lukić, T., Tomić, N. et al. (2023): Local Differentiation in the Loess Deposition as a Function of Dust Source: Key Study Novo Orahovo Loess Paleosol Sequence (Vojvodina, Serbia). Quaternary, 6/1, Paper: 23.
Bakacsy, L., Tobak, Z., van Leeuwen, B., Szilassi, P., Biró, Csaba ; Szatmári, J. (2023): Drone-Based Identification and Monitoring of Two Invasive Alien Plant Species in Open Sand Grasslands by Six RGB Vegetation Indices. Drones, 7/3, Paper: 207.
Hasan, M. L., M. Tóth, T. (2023): Localization of potential migration pathways inside a fractured metamorphic hydrocarbon reservoir using well log evaluation (Mezősas field, Pannonian Basin). Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 225, Paper: 211710.
Amankulova, K., Farmonov, N., Mukhtorov, U., Mucsi, L. (2023): Sunflower Crop Yield Prediction by advanced statistical modeling using Satellite-derived Vegetation Indices and Crop Phenology. Geocarto International, 38/1, Paper: 2197509.
Mucsi, L., Bui, D. H. (2023): Evaluating the performance of multi-temporal synthetic-aperture radar imagery in land-cover mapping using a forward stepwise selection approach. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 30, Paper: 100975.
Sofyan, A., Syafira, W., Szanyi, J., Bambang, Y. S., Njeru, R. (2023): Determination of Scaling Zone and Scaling Type in Slotted Liner Based on the Fluid Flow Pattern in the Geothermal Well “X”. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 13/1, pp. 276-286.
Farkas, B., Sipos, Gy., Bartyik, T., Józsa, E., Czigány, Sz., Balogh, R., Varga, G., Kovács, J., Fábián, Sz. Á. (2023): Characterization and mapping of MIS‐2 thermal contraction crack polygons in Western Transdanubia, Hungary. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 34/3, pp. 417-427.
Mohsen, A., Kiss, T., Kovács, F., (2023): Machine learning-based detection and mapping of riverine litter utilizing Sentinel-2 imagery. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30/25, pp. 67742-67757.
Nour, N. A., Gulyas, S., Geiger, J. (2023): Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic inferences based on X-ray computer tomography: a case study of alkaline lake deposits in Hungary. Geologos, 29/1, pp. 33-49.
Sofyan, A., Bujang, Y. D. G., Suranta, B. Y. (2023): Heat loss effect analysis by using JIWAFlow wellbore simulation in geothermal field Well-Y. Aip Conference Proceedings, 2706/1, Paper: 020116.
Liro, M., Zielonka, A., van Emmerik, T.H.M., Grodzińska-Jurczak, M., Liro, J., Kiss, T., Mihai, F.C. (2023): Mountains of plastic: Mismanaged plastic waste along the Carpathian watercourses. Science of the Total Environment, 888, Paper:164058, 12 p.
Sheishah, D., Kiss, T., Borza, T., Fiala, K., Kozák, P., Abdelsamei, E., Tóth, C., Grenerczy, G., Páll, D.G., Sipos, G. (2023): Mapping subsurface defects and surface deformation along the artificial levee of the Lower Tisza River, Hungary. Natural Hazards, 117/2, pp. 1647-1671.
Tanács, E., Vári, Á., Bede-Fazekas, Á., Báldi, A., Csákvári, E., Endrédi, A., Fabók, V., Kisné Fodor, L., Kiss, M., Koncz, P. et al. (2023): Finding the Green Grass in the Haystack? Integrated National Assessment of Ecosystem Services and Condition in Hungary, in Support of Conservation and Planning. Sustainability, 15/11, Paper: 8489.
Eltijani, A., Molnar, D., Geiger, J. (2023): Characterizing sedimentary processes in abandoned channel using compositional data analysis and wavelet transform. Gem - International Journal on Geomathematics, 14/1, Paper: 11.
Bartyik, T., Urdea, P., Kiss, T., Hegyi, A., Sipos, Gy. (2023): The Role of Past Climatic Variability in Fluvial Terrace Formation, a Case Study from River Mureş (Maros), Romania.
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Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P. (2023): Late Pleistocene to Holocene Palaeohydrological History of the Thermal-Spring-Fed Lake Pețea (NW Romania) Revealed by Radiocarbon Dating and Complex Sedimentological Investigations. Quaternary, 6/2, Paper: 37.
Csomós, Gy., Farkas, J. Zs., Szabó, B., Bertus, Z., Kovács, Z. (2023): Exploring the use and perceptions of inner-city small urban parks: A case study of Budapest, Hungary. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, Paper: 128003.
Teleubay, Z., Yermekov, F., Tokbergenov, I., Toleubekova, Z., Assylkhanova, A., Balgabayev, N., Kovács, Z. (2023): Identification of potential farm pond sites for spring surface runoff harvesting using an integrated analytical hierarchy process in a GIS environment in Northern Kazakhstan. Water, 15/12, Paper: 2258.
Amankulova, K., Farmonov, N., Akramova, P., Tursunov, I., Mucsi, L. (2023): Comparison of PlanetScope, Sentinel-2, and landsat 8 data in soybean yield estimation within-field variability with random forest regression. Heliyon, 9/6, Paper: e17432.
Lukić, T., Radaković, M. G., Marković, R., Thompson, W., Ponjiger, T. M., Basarin, B., Tomić, N., Tomović, V. M., Raljić, J. P., Gavrilov, M. B. et al. (2023): Initial results of the colorimetric indices of the oldest exposed pedocomplex (Titel loess plateau, Serbia). Geologia Croatica, 76/2, pp. 73-85.
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Vári, T. Zs., Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P. (2023): Reconstructing the Paleoenvironmental Evolution of Lake Kolon (Hungary) through Integrated Geochemical and Sedimentological Analyses of Quaternary Sediments. Quaternary, 6/3, Paper: 39.
Kovács, Z., Smith, M., Teleubay, Z., Kovalcsik, T. (2023): Measuring visitor flows using mobile positioning data in three Hungarian second-tier cities. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 9/3, pp. 656-674.
Eltijani, A., Molnár, D., Geiger, J. (2023): Paleoenvironmental multiproxy dataset of the Quaternary abandoned channel in Tövises bed, Great Hungarian Plain. Data in Brief, 49, Paper: 109344.
Mohsen, A., Balla, A., Kiss, T. (2023): High spatiotemporal resolution analysis on suspended sediment and microplastic transport of a lowland river. Science of the Total Environment, 902, Paper: 166188.
Tóth, B., Nagy, Gy. (2023): Digital skill-based centre-periphery differences in Europe, 2019. Regional Statistics, 13/4, pp. 583-616.
Saadu, I., Farsang, A., Kiss, T. (2023): Quantification of macroplastic litter in fallow greenhouse farmlands: case study in southeastern hungary. Environmental Sciences Europe, 35/1, Paper: 63.
Szemerédi, M., Varga, A., Lukács, R., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Tatu, M., Kovács, Z., Raucsik, B., Benkó, Zs., Harangi, Sz. et al. (2023): Large-volume Permian felsic volcanism in the Tisza Mega-unit (East-Central Europe): Evidence from mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, and geochronology. Lithos, 456-457, Paper: 107330.
Szepesi, J., Vona, A., Kovács, I. J., Fintor, K., Molnár, K., Scarani, A., Giordano, G., Lukács, R. (2023): Lava – substrate interaction: Constraints on flow emplacement and basal sintering, Lebuj rhyolitic flow, Tokaj Mountains, Carpathian-Pannonian region. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 441, Paper: 107878.
Varga, A., Pozsár, A., Zajzon, N., Topa, B., Benkó, Zs., Pál-Molnár, E., Raucsik, B. (2023): Effects of Metasomatism on Granite-Related Mineral Systems: A Boron-Rich Open Greisen System in the Highiş Granitoids (Apuseni Mountains, Romania). Minerals, 13/8, Paper: 1083.
Kiss, T., Fehérváry, I. (2023): Increased Riparian Vegetation Density and Its Effect on Flow Conditions. Sustainability, 15/16, Paper:12615.
Benyo-Korcsmaros, R., Gulyas, S., Sebok, D., Benyo, D., Cseh, P., Sumegi, P. (2023): Methodological add-ons to a non-destructive, micro-CT-based taxonomic/morphometric analysis of characean remains. Geologos, 29/2, pp. 69-75.
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Polgári, M., Nagy, B., Fintor, K., Gyollai, I., Kovács, I., Szabó, M., Mojzsis, S. J. (2023): Microbially-induced K enrichments in hydrothermally altered andesitic tuffs. Ore Geology Reviews, 162, Paper: 105630.
Vámos, R., Nagy, Gy., Kovács, Z. (2023): The Construction of the Visible and Invisible Boundaries of Microsegregation: A Case Study from Szeged, Hungary. Land (Basel), 12/10, Paper: 1835.
Sohrab, S., Csikos, N., Szilassi, P. (2023): Effects of land use patterns on PM10 concentrations in urban and suburban areas. A European scale analysis. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14/12, Paper: 101942.
Bozsik, V., Walter, D., Fintor, K., Kreiter, A., Vörös, G. (2023): Tázlár-Templomhegy késő szarmata település kerámiaanyagának petrográfiai elemzése [Petrographic analysis of ceramics from the Late Sarmatian settlement of Tázlár–Templomhegy]. Archeometriai Műhely, 20/2, pp. 161-176.
Alzoubi, N., Gulyás, S., Geiger, J. (2023): The use of CT analysis in revealing structural heterogeneity of freshwater carbonate decoration and construction stones [A CT-analízis alkalmazása az építő- és díszítőkőként használt édesvízi karbonátos kőzetek szerkezeti elemzésében]. Archeometriai Műhely, 20/2, pp. 127-146.
Benyó-Korcsmáros, R., Gulyás, S., Bóni, Z., Nagy, B., Törőcsik, T., Sümegi, P. (2023): Identification and environmental background of Chara remains in the Holocene sequence of Lake Peţea (NW Romania) and the possibilities of using the results in archaeobotany [A Szent László-tó (ÉNY-Románia) holocén kori szelvényében található chara maradványok azonosítása és környezeti háttere, valamint az eredmények archeobotanikai felhasználásának lehetőségei]. Archeometriai Műhely, 20/2, pp. 119-126.
Vári, T. Zs., Pál-Molnár, E., Sümegi, P. (2023): Reconstructing the Paleoenvironmental Evolution of Lake Kolon (Hungary) through Palaeoecological, Statistical and Historical Analyses. Diversity (Basel), 15/10, Paper: 1095.
Szanyi, J., Rybach, L., Abdulhaq, H. A. (2023): Geothermal Energy and Its Potential for Critical Metal Extraction—A Review. Energies, 16/20, Paper: 7168.
Frei, K., Vojtkó, A., Farkas, T., Erdős, L., Barta, K., E-Vojtkó, A., Tölgyesi, Cs., Bátori, Z. (2023): Topographic depressions can provide climate and resource microrefugia for biodiversity. Iscience, 26/11, Paper: 108202.
Kiri, L., Szemerédi, M., Erdmann, S., Batki, A., Pál-Molnár, E. (2023): Bulk-rock and mineral-scale geochemical evidence of open-system magmatic processes in the felsic rocks of the northern part of the Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Geologica Carpathica, 74/4, pp. 297-323.
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Abutaha, S. M., Geiger, J., Fedor, F., Gulyás, S. (2023): Continuous wavelet transformation to quantify small-scale cycles of petrophysical properties; a new approach applied in a potential disposal repository of nuclear waste, SW Hungary. Geologia Croatica, 76/3, pp. 131-146.
Cserép, B., Szemerédi, M., Harangi, Sz., Erdmann, S., Bachmann, O., Dunkl, I., Seghedi, I., Mészáros, K., Kovács, Z., Virág, A. et al. (2023): Constraints on the pre-eruptive magma storage conditions and magma evolution of the 56–30 ka explosive volcanism of Ciomadul (East Carpathians, Romania). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 178/12, Paper: 96.
Mohsen, A., Kovács, F., Kiss, T. (2023): Riverine Microplastic Quantification: A Novel Approach Integrating Satellite Images, Neural Network, and Suspended Sediment Data as a Proxy. Sensors, 23/23, Paper: 9505.
Torma, A., Gulyás, S., Pap, N., Fodor, P., Kitanics, M., Gyenizse, P., Hancz, E., Tugya, B., Náfrádi, K., Sümegi, P. (2023): Results of integrated archaeological-environment historical research of Szigetvár – Turbék vineyard Hill. Archeometriai Műhely, 20/3, pp. 251-262.
Torma, A., Náfrádi, K., Törőcsik, T., Sümegi, P. (2023): Integrated archaeobotanical evidence on the vegetation reconstruction around the tomb of Sultan Suleiman I at Szigetvár (SW Hungary). Archeometriai Műhely, 20/3, pp. 201-226.
Sümegi, P. (2023): Results of the malacological assemblage from the moat of Sultan Suleiman’s türbe at Szigetvár (SW Hungary). Archeometriai Műhely, 20/3, pp. 243-250.
Farmonov, N., Amankulova, K., Khan, S. N., Abdurakhimova, M., Szatmári, J., Khabiba, T., Makhliyo, R., Khodicha, M., Mucsi, L. (2023): Effectiveness of machine learning and deep learning models at county-level soybean yield forecasting. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 72/4, pp. 383-398.
Vizi, Z., Batki, B., Rátki, L., Szalánczi, S., Fehérváry, I., Kozák, P., Kiss, T. (2023): Water level prediction using long short-term memory neural network model for a lowland river: a case study on the Tisza River, Central Europe. Environmental Sciences Europe, 35/1, Paper: 92.
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