A Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetben dolgozók Scopus-ban jegyzett publikációi - 2022


Abdelrhim, E., Molnár, D., Makó, L., Geiger, J., Sümegi, P. (2022): Applying grain-size and compositional data analysis for interpretation of the Quaternary oxbow lake sedimentation processes: Eastern Great Hungarian Plain. Studia Quaternaria, 39/2, pp. 83-93.

Balla, A., Mohsen, A., Gönczy, S., Kiss, T. (2022): Spatial Variations in Microfiber Transport in a Transnational River Basin. Applied Sciences-Basel, 12/21, Paper: 10852, 17 p.

Alzoubi, N.N.H., Geiger, J., Gulyas, S. (2022): Defining rock-forming components of holocene freshwater carbonates via univariate statistical and mixture analysis of computer tomography data. Studia Quaternaria, 39/2, pp. 113-128.

Barta, K., Babcsányi, I., Farsang, A., Tóth, M., Fekete, I., Ladányi, Zs., Csányi, K. T. (2022): Szennyvíziszap-komposzttal történő kezelés hatása a talaj CO2-respirációjára, tápanyag- és nehézfém-tartalmára csernozjom talajokon. Tájökológiai Lapok/Journal of Landscape Ecology, 20 (Suppl. 1), pp. 147-159.

Bertus, Z., Kovács, Z. (2022): The geography of electoral volatility in Hungary: a core-periphery perspective. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 71/1, pp. 67-81.

Boros, L., Dudás, G., Ilcsikné Makra, Zs., Morar, C., Pál, V. (2022): The migration of health care professionals from Hungary - global flows and local responses. Deturope: The Central European Journal of Regional Development and Tourism, 14/1, pp. 164-188.

Bui, D. H., Mucsi, L. (2022): Comparison of layer-stacking and Dempster-Shafer theory-based methods using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data fusion in urban land cover mapping. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 25/3, pp. 425-438.

Bui, D. H., Mucsi, L. (2022): Land-use change and urban expansion in Binh Duong province, Vietnam, from 1995 to 2020. Geocarto International, 37/27, pp. 17096-17118.

Bui, H., Mucsi, L. (2022): Predicting the future land-use change and evaluating the change in landscape pattern in Binh Duong province, Vietnam. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 71/4, pp. 349-364.

Buró, B., Négyesi, G., Varga, T., Sipos, Gy., Filyo, D., Jull, AJ. T., Molnár, M. (2022): Soil Organic Carbon Dating Of Paleosoils Of Alluvial Fans In A Blown Sand Area (Nyírség, Hungary), Radiocarbon, 64/1, pp. 1-19.

Csányi, K., Farsang, A. (2022): Evaluation of off-site effects of wind-eroded sediments especially the content of pesticides. Geographica Pannonica, 26/3, pp. 273-283.

Cseh, P., Molnár, D., Makó, L., Sümegi, P. (2022): Geoarchaeological Analyses of a Late-Copper-Age Kurgan on the Great Hungarian Plain. Quaternary, 5/2, Paper: 20.

Eder, M., Perosa, F., Hohensinner, S., Tritthart, M., Scheuer, S., Gelhaus, M., Cyffka, B., Kiss, T., Van Leeuwen, B., Tobak, Z., al. (2022): How Can We Identify Active, Former, and Potential Floodplains? Methods and Lessons Learned from the Danube River, Water, 14/15, Paper: 2295

Eltijani, A., Molnár, D., Makó, L., Geiger, J., Sümegi, P. (2022): Application of Parameterized Grain-Size Endmember Modeling in the Study of Quaternary Oxbow Lake Sedimentation: A Case Study of Tövises Bed Sediments in the Eastern Great Hungarian Plain, Quaternary, 5/4, Paper: 44, 14 p.

Fannakh, A., Farsang, A. (2022): DRASTIC, GOD, and SI approaches for assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution: a review. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34/1, Paper: 77, 16 p.

Farkas, J. Zs., Kovács, Z., Csomós, Gy. (2022): The availability of green spaces for different socio-economic groups in cities: a case study of Budapest, Hungary. Journal of Maps, 18/1, pp. 97-105.

Farsang, A., Szatmári, J., Bartus, M., Tiszlavicz, Á., Barta, K. (2022): Quantification of deflation-induced soil loss on chernozems: Field protocol and sediment trap development based on wind tunnel experiments, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 63/4, pp. 329-341.

Folayan, M. O., Ibigbami, O., Brown, B., El Tantawi, M., Uzochukwu, B., Ezechi, O. C., Aly, N. M., Abeldaño, G. F., Ara, E., Ayanore, M. A. … Nzimande, N. P. et al.(2022): Differences in COVID-19 Preventive Behavior and Food Insecurity by HIV Status in Nigeria. Aids and Behavior, 26/3, pp. 739-751.

Fricke, C., Pongrácz, R., Unger, J. (2022): Comparison of daily and monthly intra-urban thermal reactions based on LCZ classification using surface and air temperature data. Geographica Pannonica, 26/1, pp. 1-11.

Gallé, R., Tölgyesi, Cs., Torma, A., Bátori, Z., Lörinczi, G., Szilassi, P., Gallé-Szpisjak, N., Kaur, H., Makra, T., Módra, G. et al. (2022): Matrix quality and habitat type drive the diversity pattern of forest steppe fragments. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, 20/1, pp. 60-68.

Gudmann, A., Mucsi, L. (2022): Pixel and Object-based Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection from 1986 to 2020 for Hungary Using Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Classification Tree Classifier, Geographica Pannonica, 26/3, pp. 165-175.

Gulyás, S., Torma, A., Pap, N., Fodor, P., Kitanics, M., Gyenizse, P., Molnár, M., Sümegi, P. (2022): Tackling erosion-accumulation events in a moat sequence from a unique Ottoman memorial place (Szigetvár, SW Hungary) using 14C and geoarcheological data. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 14/1, Paper:28., 2 p.

Han, Y., Noah, M., Lüders, V., Körmös, S., Schubert, F., Poetz, S., Horsfield, B., Mangelsdorf, K. (2022): Fractionation of hydrocarbons and NSO-compounds during primary oil migration revealed by high resolution mass spectrometry: Insights from oil trapped in fluid inclusions. International Journal of Coal Geology, 254, Paper:103974, 16 p.

Hop, Q. T., Fehér, Zs. Z., Túri, N., Rakonczai, J. (2022): Climate change as an environmental threat on the central plains of the Carpathian basin based on regional water balances, Geographica Pannonica, 26/3, pp. 184-199.

Hrabovszki, E., Tóth, E., M. Tóth, T., Garaguly, I., Futó, I., Máthé, Z., Schubert, F. (2022): Geochemical and microtextural properties of veins in a potential high-level radioactive waste disposal site, Journal of Structural Geology, 154, Paper:104490, 18 p.

Kern, Z., Árvai, M., Urdea, P., Timofte, F., Antalfi, E., Fehér, S., Bartyik, T., Sipos, Gy. (2022): First report on dendrochronological and radiocarbon studies of subfossil driftwood recovered across the Mureş/Maros Alluvial Fan, CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY 65 : 1 pp. 40-48. , 9 p. (2022)

Kiri, L., Szemerédi, M., Pál-Molnár, E. (2022): Petrographic evidences of open-system magmatic processes in the felsic rocks of the northern part of the Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). Central European Geoplogy, 65/1, pp. 49-76.

Kiss, T., Gönczy, S., Nagy, T., Mesaroš, M., Balla, A. (2022): Deposition and Mobilization of Microplastics in a Low-Energy Fluvial Environment from a Geomorphological Perspective. Applied Sciences-Basel, 12/9, Paper:4367, 21 p.

Kolcsár, R. A., Csete, Á. K., Kovács-Győri, A., Szilassi, P. (2022): Age-group-based evaluation of residents’ urban green space provision: Szeged, Hungary. A case study. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 71/3, pp. 249-269.

Kovács, F., Ladányi, Zs. (2022): Plot-level field monitoring with Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope data for examination of sewage sludge disposal impact. Geographica Pannonica. 26/3, pp. 241-257.

Kovács, Z., Farkas, J. Zs., Szigeti, C., Harangozó, G. (2022): Assessing the sustainability of urbanization at the sub-national level : the Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity accounts of the Budapest Metropolitan Region, Hungary. Sustainable Cities and Society, 84, Paper:104022, 12 p.

Kovács, Z. (2022): 150 Years of the Hungarian Geographical Society. Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 164, pp. 395-399.

Kovalcsik, T., Elekes, Á., Boros, L., Könnyid, L., Kovács, Z. (2022): Capturing unobserved tourists: challenges and opportunities of processing mobile positioning data in tourism research. Sustainability, 14/21, Paper:13826

Kriska, O. (2022): A mentális határok és távolságok jellemzői a londoni magyarok 2019. évi felmérése alapján, Területi Statisztika, 62/3, pp. 290-316.

Kun, É., Zilahi-Sebess, L., Szanyi, J. (2022): Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát térségének nagy entalpiájú geotermikusenergia-vagyona (I. rész): hidrodinamikai és hőtranszportmodell [The high enthalpy geothermal energy resource of the Battonya–Pusztaföldvár High (Part I): hydrodynamic and heat transport model]. Földtani Közlöny, 152/1, pp. 53-76.

Kun, É., Zilahi-Sebess, L., Szanyi, J. (2022): A Battonya–Pusztaföldvári-hát térségének nagy entalpiájú geotermikus energia vagyona (II. rész): kútpárral történő hasznosítás UNFC-2009 kód szerinti osztályozása [The high enthalpy geothermal energy resource of the Battonya–Pusztaföldvár High (Part II): UNFC-2009 code classification in case of well-doublet utilization]. Földtani Közlöny, 152/3, pp. 279-295.

Majoros, L., Fintor, K., Koós, T., Szakáll, S., Kristály, F. (2022): Metamorphic graphite from Szendrőlád (Szendrő Mts., NE-Hungary) detected by simultaneous DTA-TG. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 147/4, pp. 3417-3425.

Lux, M., Szanyi, J. (2022): Effects of vertical anisotropy on optimization of multilateral well geometry. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, Part B, Paper:109424, 10 p.

Mohsen, A., Kovács, F., Kiss, T. (2022): Remote Sensing of Sediment Discharge in Rivers Using Sentinel-2 Images and Machine-Learning Algorithms. Hydrology, 9/5, Paper: 88, 30 p.

Molnár, D. (2022): Quaternary Loess Deposition and Climate Change in Europe—Recent Progress. Quaternary, 5/4, p. 40.

Morar, C., Tiba, A., Jovanovic, T., Valjarević, A., Ripp, M., Vujičić, M. D., Stankov, U., Basarin, B., Ratković, R., Popović, M., Nagy, Gy., Boros, L. et al. (2022): Supporting Tourism by Assessing the Predictors of COVID-19 Vaccination for Travel Reasons, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19/2, p. 918.

Morenike, O. F., Olanrewaju, I., El Tantawi, M., Giuliana, F. A., Eshrat, A., Martin, A. A., Passent, E., Balgis, G., Nuraldeen, M. A., Ifeoma, I., … Nzimande N. P. et al. (2022): Factors associated with COVID-19 pandemic induced post-traumatic stress symptoms among adults living with and without HIV in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. BMC Psychiatry, 22/1, Paper: 48, 10 p.

Nguyen T. T., Hegedűs, G. (2022): Urbanization and Post-Acquisition Livelihood in a Peri-Urban Context in Vietnam: A Geographical Comparison between Hanoi, Danang, and Vinh City. Land (Basel), 11/10, Paper:1787, 17 p.

Nguyen, T. T., Hegedűs, G. (2022): Land Acquisition Under Land Law 2013: A Case Study of Vinh City, Nghe An Province. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 15/1, pp. 103-123.

Nzimande, N. P., El Tantawi, M., Zuñiga, R. A. A., Opoku-Sarkodie, R., Brown, B., Ezechi, O. C., Uzochukwu, B., S. C., Ellakany, P., Aly, N. M., Nguyen, A. L., et al. (2022): Sex differences in the experience of COVID-19 post-traumatic stress symptoms by adults in South Africa. BMC Psychiatry, 22/1, Paper:238, 8 p.

Palásti, P., Gulyás, Á., Kiss, M. (2022): Mapping Freshwater Aquaculture’s Diverse Ecosystem Services with Participatory Techniques: A Case Study from White Lake, Hungary. Sustainability, 14/24, Paper:16825.

Persoiu, I., Sipos, Gy., Radoane, M., Hutchinson, S.M., Michczynska, D.J., Persoiu, A. (2022): Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the Late Quaternary evolution of the Somes fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe. Geomorphology, 417, Paper:108450, 20 p.

Pham, N. T. H., Babcsányi, I., Balling, P., Farsang, A. (2022): Accumulation patterns and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in the topsoil of two sloping vineyards (Tokaj-Hegyalja, Hungary), Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22/10, pp. 2671-2689.

Pham, N. T. H., Babcsányi, I., Farsang, A. (2022): Ecological risk and enrichment of potentially toxic elements in the soil and eroded sediment in an organic vineyard (Tokaj Nagy Hill, Hungary). Environmental Geochemistry And Health, 44/6, pp. 1893-1909.

Rodriguez-Gonzalez, P.M., Abraham, E., Aguiar, F., Andreoli, A., Balezentiene, L., Berisha, N., Bernez, I., Bruen, M., Bruno, D., Camporeale, C. … Kiss, T. et al. (2022): Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water. 9/5, Paper:e1604

Sa'adu, I., Farsang, A. (2022): Greenhouse Farming as a Source of Macroplastic and Microplastics Contamination in Agricultural Soils: A Case study from Southeast-Hungary. Agrokémia és Talajtan, 71/1, pp. 43-57.

Saja, M. A., Geiger, J., Gulyás, S., Fedor, F. (2022): Calculating the representative elementary volume of porosity using X-ray computed tomography: Boda Claystone Formation core sample/Hungary. Acta Geologica Slovaca, 14/1, pp. 25-36.

Schubert, F., Varga, A., Apró, M., Csiszér, A. (2022): Amikor a kompasz nem segít, avagy miről mesél egy fúrómagban megjelenő deformációs szalag? Földtani Közlöny, 152/1, pp. 31-47.

Sheishah, D., Sipos, Gy., Hegyi, A., Kozák, P., Abdelsamei, E., Tóth, Cs., Onaca, A., Páll, D. (2022): Assessing the structure and composition of artificial levees along the Lower Tisza River (Hungary). Geographica Pannonica, 26/3, pp. 258-272.

Sipos, Gy., Blanka-Végi, V., Ardelean, F., Onaca, A., Ladányi, Zs., Rácz, A., Urdea, P. (2022): Human-nature relationship and public perception of environmental hazards along the Maros/Mureş river (Hungary and Romania). Geographica Pannonica, 26/3, pp. 297-307. 11 p.

Sipos, Gy., Marković, S. B., Gavrilov, Milivoj B. ; Balla, A., Filyó, D., Bartyik, T., Mészáros, M., Tóth, O., van Leeuwen, B., Lukić, T. et al. (2022): Late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian activity in the Deliblato Sands, Serbia. Quaternary Research, 107, pp. 113-124.

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