A Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetben dolgozók Scopus-ban jegyzett publikációi - 2019


Al Adaileh, H., Al Qinna, M., Barta, K., Al-Karablieh, E., Rakonczai, J., Alobeiaat, A. (2019): A Drought Adaptation Management System for Groundwater Resources Based on Combined Drought Index and Vulnerability Analysis. Earth Systems and Environment, 3/3, pp. 445-461.

Babcsányi, I., Bodor, D., Sipos, Gy., Farsang, A. (2019): Városi tavak környezeti állapotértékelése Szeged példáján [Assessing the environmental status of urban lakes in szeged, se Hungary]. Tájökológiai Lapok/Journal of Landscape Ecology, 17/2, pp. 277-286.

Balizs, D., Bajmócy, P., (2019): Cross-border suburbanisation around Bratislava - changing social, ethnic and architectural character of the “Hungarian suburb” of the Slovak capital. Geograficky Casopis, 71/1, pp. 73-98.

Baranyi, V., Rostási, Á., Raucsik, B., Kürschner, W. M. (2019): Palynological and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data of Carnian (Late Triassic) formations from western Hungary. Data in Brief, 23, Paper: 103858, 9 p.

Baranyi, V., Rostási, Á., Raucsik, B., Kürschner, W. M. (2019): Palynology and weathering proxies reveal climatic fluctuations during the Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) (late Triassic) from marine successions in the Transdanubian Range (western Hungary). Global and Planetary Change, 177, pp. 157-172. IF: 4,448

Bartus, M., Barta, K., Szatmári, J., Farsang, A. (2019): Csongrád megye talajainak szélcsatorna kísérletekre alapozott szélerózió veszélyeztetettség becslése. Agrokémia és Talajtan, 68/2, pp. 225-242.

Bede, Á. (2019): Cadastral field works on prehistoric mounds in the central part of the Tiszántúl region. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, 70/2, pp. 283-300.

Bokwa, A., Geletič, J., Lehnert, M., Žuvela-Aloise, M., Hollósi, B., Gál, T., Skarbit, N., Dobrovolný, P., Hajto, M. J., Kielar, R., et al. (2019): Heat load assessment in Central European cities using an urban climate model and observational monitoring data. Energy and Buildings, 201/October, pp. 53-69. IF: 4,867

Bösken, J., Obreht, I., Zeeden, C., Klasen, N., Hambach, U., Sümegi, P., Lehmkuhl, F. (2019): High-resolution paleoclimatic proxy data from the MIS3/2 transition recorded in northeastern Hungarian loess. Quaternary International, 502/Part A, pp. 95-107. IF: 2,003

Csikos, N., Schwanebeck, M., Kuhwald, M., Szilassi, P., Duttmann, R. (2019): Density of Biogas Power Plants as An Indicator of Bioenergy Generated Transformation of Agricultural Landscapes. Sustainability, 11/9, Paper:2500, 23 p. IF: 2,576

Demény, A., Kern, Z., Czuppon, G., Németh, A., Schöll-Barna, G., Siklósy, Z., Leél-Őssy, S., Cook, G., Serlegi, G., Bajnóczi, B., Sümegi, P. et al. (2019): Middle Bronze Age humidity and temperature variations, and societal changes in East-Central Europe. Quaternary International, 504, pp. 80-95. IF: 2,003

Dóka, R., Kiss, M., Bárány-Kevei, I. (2019): Land use anomalies on wetlands in different time horizons – a case study from Hungary. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 14/2, pp. 287-300., IF: 1,307

Fehér, Z. Zs., Rakonczai, J. (2019): Analysing the sensitivity of Hungarian landscapes based on climate change induced shallow groundwater fluctuation. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 68/4, pp. 355-372., 18 p.

Gudmann, A., Mucsi, L., Henits, L. (2019): A CORINE felszínborítási térkép automatikus előállításának lehetősége döntésifa-osztályozó segítségével. Geodézia és Kartográfia, 71/2, pp. 9-13.

Gyollai, I., Polgári, M., Bérczi, S., Gucsik, A., Pál-Molnár, E. (2019): Mineralized biosignatures in ALH-77005 Shergottite - Clues to Martian Life?. Open Astronomy, 28/1, pp. 32-39. IF: 0,831

Hammad, M., Mucsi, L., Van Leeuwen, B. (2019): Landslide investigation using differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry: A case study of balloran dam area in Syria. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42/3/W8 pp. 133-138.

Kincses, B., Nagy, Gy. (2019): A vajdasági magyar hallgatók iskolaválasztási attitűdjének vizsgálata a Szegedi Tudományegyetemen. Területi Statisztika, 59/2, pp. 219-240.

Kiss, T., Amissah, G. J., Fiala, K. (2019): Bank Processes and Revetment Erosion of a Large Lowland River: Case Study of the Lower Tisza River, Hungary. Water, 11/6, p. 1313, IF: 2,544

Kiss, T., Fiala, K., Sipos, Gy., Szatmári, G., (2019): Long-term hydrological changes after various river regulation measures: Are we responsible for flow extremes? Hydrology Research, 50/2, pp. 417-430. IF: 2,012

Kiss, T., Nagy, J., Fehérváry, I., Vaszkó, Cs. (2019): (Mis) management of floodplain vegetation: The effect of invasive species on vegetation roughness and flood levels. Science of the Total Environment, 686, pp. 931-945. IF: 6,551

Kotková, K., Nováková, T., Tůmová, Š., Kiss, T., Popelka, J., Faměra, M. (2019): Migration of risk elements within the floodplain of the Litavka River, the Czech Republic. Geomorphology, 329, pp. 46-57. IF: 3,819

Kovács, F., Gulácsi, A. (2019): Spectral Index-Based Monitoring (2000–2017) in Lowland Forests to Evaluate the Effects of Climate Change. Geosciences (Switzerland), 9/10, Paper:411, 19 p.

Kovács, Z., Farkas, Zs. J., Egedy, T., Kondor, A. Cs., Szabó, B., Lennert, J., Baka, D., Kohán, B. (2019): Urban sprawl and land conversion in post-socialist cities: The case of metropolitan Budapest. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 92, pp. 71-81. IF: 4,802

Kovalcsik, T., Vida, Gy., Dudás, G. (2019): Az országgyűlési választókerületek kompaktságának elemzése Magyarországon. Területi Statisztika, 59/2, pp. 188-218.

Krot, A. N., Nagashima, K., Fintor, K., Pál-Molnár, E. (2019): Evidence for oxygen-isotope exchange in refractory inclusions from Kaba (CV3.1) carbonaceous chondrite during fluid-rock interaction on the CV parent asteroid. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246/February, pp. 419-435. IF: 4,659

Lovas, R., Kardos, P., Gyöngyösi, A. Z., Bottyán, Zs. (2019): Weather model fine-tuning with software container-based simulation platform. Időjárás/Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Servic, 123/2, pp. 165-181. IF: 0,277

M. Tóth, T., Schubert, F., Raucsik, B., Fintor, K. (2019): Mineralogical and Geochemical Constraints of the REE Accumulation in the Almásfüzitő Red Mud Depository in Northwest Hungary. Applied Sciences-Basel, 9/18, Paper: 3654, 16 p. IF: 2,474

Mészáros, E., Varga, A., Raucsik, B., Benkó, Z., Heincz, A., Hauzenberger, C. A. (2019): Provenance and Variscan low-grade regional metamorphism recorded in slates from the basement of the (SW Hungary). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108/5, pp. 1571-1593. IF: 2,278

Molnár, G., Gyöngyösi, A. Z., Gál, T. (2019): Modeling of urban heat island using adjusted static database. Időjárás/Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 123/3, pp. 371-390. IF: 0,277

Molnár, D., Makó, L., Sümegi, P., Sümegi, B. P., Törőcsik, T. (2019): Revisiting the palaeolithic site at Szeged-Öthalom: attempt for appoint the palaeolithic horizon. Studia Quaternaria, 36/1, pp. 45-53.

Molnár, D., Sümegi, P., Fekete, I., Makó, L., P. Sümegi, B. (2019): Radiocarbon dated malacological records of two Late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences from SW-Hungary: Paleoecological inferences. Quaternary International, 504, pp. 108-117. IF: 2,003

Molnár, G., Gyöngyösi, A. Z., Gál, T. (2019): Integration of an LCZ-based classification into WRF to assess the intra-urban temperature pattern under a heatwave period in Szeged, Hungary. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138/1-2, pp. 1139-1158. IF: 2,882

Morar, c., Nagy, Gy., Dulca, M., Boros, L., Sehida, K. (2019): Aspects regarding the military cultural-historical heritage in the city of Oradea (Romania). Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies. Series Historia et Sociologia, 29/2, pp. 303-322.

Nagy, Gy., Vida, Gy., Boros, L., Ćirić, D. (2019): Decision trees in environmental justice research — a case study on the floods of 2001 and 2010 in Hungary. Open Geosciences, 11/1, pp. 1025-1034. IF: 0,985

Nguyen, T. T., Hegedűs, G., Nguyen, T. L. (2019): Effect of Land Acquisition and Compensation on the Livelihoods of People in Quang Ninh District, Quang Binh Province: Labor and Income. Land, 8/6, p. 91. IF: 2,429

Polgari, M., Gyollai, I., Berczi, S., Veres, M., Gucsik, A., Pal-Molnar, E. (2019): Microbial mediation of textures and minerals - terrestrial or parent body processes? Open Astronomy, 28/1, pp. 40-60. IF: 0,831

Polgári, M., Gyollai, I., Fintor, K., Horváth, H., Pál-Molnár, E., Biondi, J. C. (2019): Microbially Mediated Ore-Forming Processes and Cell Mineralization. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, Paper:2731, 20 p. IF: 4,235

Sümegi, P., Gulyás, S., Molnár, D., Sümegi, B. P., Törőcsik, T., Almond, P. C., Smalley, I., Zhou, L ., Galovic, L., Pál-Molnár, E. et al. (2019): Periodicities of paleoclimate variations in the first high-resolution non-orbitally tuned grain size record of the past 1 Ma from SW Hungary and regional, global correlations. Aeolian Research, 40, pp. 74-90. IF: 2,763

Sümegi, P., Molnár, D. Gulyás, S., Náfrádi, K., Sümegi, B. P., Törőcsik, T., Persaits, G., Molnár, M., Vandenberghe, J., Zhou, L. (2019): High-resolution proxy record of the environmental response to climatic variations during transition MIS3/MIS2 and MIS2 in Central Europe: the loess-paleosol sequence of Katymár brickyard (Hungary). Quaternary International, 504, pp. 40-55. IF: 2,003

Szilágyi, G., Náfrádi, K., Sümegi, P. (2019): A preliminary chronological study to understand the construction phases of a Late Copper–Early Bronze Age kurgan (kunhalom). Central European Geology, 62/1, pp. 27-55.

Szilassi, P., Szatmári, G., Pásztor, L., Árvai, M., Szatmári, J., Szitár, K., Papp, L. (2019): Understanding the Environmental Background of an Invasive Plant Species (Asclepias syriaca) for the Future: An Application of LUCAS Field Photographs and Machine Learning Algorithm Methods. Plants, 8/12, Paper:593. IF: 2,762

Törőcsik, T., Gulyás, S., Sümegi, P., Sümegi, B., Molnár, D., Benyó-Korcsmáros, R. (2019): Environmental history of the Csorna plain (Western Danube plain, NW Hungary) from the late glacial to the late Holocene as seen from data of multiproxy geoarchaeological investigations. Studia Quaternaria, 36/1, pp. 19-43.

Varga, A., Bozsó, G., Garaguly, I., Raucsik, B., Bencsik, A., Kóbor, B. (2019): Cements, Waters, and Scales: An Integrated Study of the Szeged Geothermal Systems (SE Hungary) to Characterize Natural Environmental Conditions of the Thermal Aquifer. Geofluids 2019 Paper, UNSP 4863814, 21 p. IF: 1,534

Yu, W. C.. Polgári, M., Gyollai, I., Fintor, K., Szabó, M., Kovács, I., Fekete, J., Du, Y. S., Zhou, Qi. (2019): Microbial metallogenesis of Cryogenian manganese ore deposits in South China. Precambrian Research, 322, pp. 122-135. IF: 4,427

Csete, Á. K., Gulyás, Á. (2019): Investigating the role of green infrastructure in sustainable urban water management, a case study in Szeged. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmntal Sciences, 14/2, pp. 483-494. IF: 1,307

Szilassi, P., Csikos, N., Galle, R., Szep, T. (2019): Recent and Predicted Changes in Habitat of the Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis Based on the Link between the Land Cover and the Field Survey Based Abundance Data. Acta Ornithologica, 54/1, pp. 59-71. IF: 1,051

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