Amissah, G. J., Kiss, T., Fiala, K. (2018): Morphological Evolution of the Lower Tisza River (Hungary) in the 20th Century in Response to Human Interventions. Water, 10/7, pp. 1-20. IF: 2,524
Bajnóczi, B., Nagy, G., Sipos, Gy., May, Z., Váczi, T., Tóth, M., Boros, I., Pattantyús, M. (2018): Material analysis and TL dating of a Renaissance glazed terracotta Madonna statue kept in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 33, pp. 60-70. IF: 1,955
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Balogh, A., Bajmócy, P., Ilcsikné Makra, Zs. (2018): Social and Ethnic Segregation amongst the Smallest Hungarian Villages. Geographica Pannonica, 22/3, pp. 208-218.
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Batki, A., Pál-Molnár, E., Jankovics, É. M., C Kerr, A., Kiss, B., Markl, G., Heincz, A., Harangi, Sz. (2018): Insights into the evolution of an alkaline magmatic system: An in situ trace element study of clinopyroxenes from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. Lithos, 300-301, pp. 51-71. IF: 3,913
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Bösken, J., Sümegi, P., Zeeden, C., Klasen, N., Gulyás, S., Lehmkuhl, F. (2018): Reply to “The Gravettian and the Epigravettian chronology in eastern central Europe: A comment on Bösken et al. 2017”. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 506, pp. 270-271. IF: 2,616
Czúcz, B., Arany, I., Potschin-Young, M., Bereczki, K., Kertész, M., Kiss, M., Aszalós, R., Haines-Young, R. (2018): Where concepts meet the real world: A systematic review of ecosystem service indicators and their classification using CICES. Ecosystem Services, 29, pp. 145-157. IF: 5,572
Delai, F., Kiss, T., Nagy, J. (2018): Field-based estimates of floodplain roughness along the Tisza River (Hungary): The role of invasive Amorpha fruticosa. Applied Geography, 90, pp. 96-105. IF: 3,068
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Erdős, L., Ambarlı, D., Anenkhonov, O., Bátori, Z., Cserhalmi, D., Kiss, M., Kröel-Dulay, Gy., Liu, H., Magnes, M., Molnar, Zs. et al. (2018): The edge of two worlds: A new review and synthesis on Eurasian forest-steppes. Applied Vegetation Science, 21/3, pp. 345-362. IF: 3,568
Fabula, Sz., Timár, J. (2018): Violations of the right to the city for women with disabilities in peripheral rural communities in Hungary. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 76/June, pp. 52-57. IF: 3,853
Gallé, R., Császár, P., Makra, T., Gallé-Szpisjak, N., Ladányi, Zs., Torma, A., Ingle, K., Szilassi, P. (2018): Small-scale agricultural landscapes promote spider and ground beetle densities by offering suitable overwintering sites. Landscape Ecology, 33/8, pp. 1435-1446. IF: 4,349
Garaguly, I., Varga, A., Raucsik, B., Schubert, F., Czuppon, G., Frei, R. (2018): Pervasive early diagenetic dolomitization, subsequent hydrothermal alteration, and late stage hydrocarbon accumulation in a Middle Triassic carbonate sequence (Szeged Basin, SE Hungary). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 98, pp. 270-290. IF: 3,538
Geiger, J. (2018): Statistical process control in the evaluation of geostatistical simulations. Central European Geology, 61/1, pp. 50-72.
Gulácsi, A., Kovács, F. (2018): Drought monitoring of forest vegetation using MODIS-based normalized difference drought index in Hungary. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin (2009-), 67/1, pp. 29-42.
Heincz, A., Pál-Molnár, E., Kiss, B., Batki, A., Almási, E. E., Kiri, L. (2018): Nyílt rendszerű magmás folyamatok: magmakeveredés, kristálycsere és kumulátum-recirkuláció nyomai a Ditrói alkáli masszívumban (Orotva, Románia). Földtani Közlöny, 148/2, pp. 125-142.
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Hošek, M., Grygar T, M., Elznicová, J., Faměra, M., Popelka, J., Matkovič, J., Kiss, T. (2018): Geochemical mapping in polluted floodplains using in situ X-ray fluorescence analysis, geophysical imaging, and statistics: Surprising complexity of floodplain pollution hotspot. Catena, 171, pp. 632-644. IF: 3,851
Ilcsikné, Makra Zs., Bajmócy, P., Balogh, A., (2018): Villages on the Edge of Extinction - the Hungarian Situation. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 9/1, pp. 35-45.
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Kántor, N., Gál, C.V., Gulyás, Á., Unger, J. (2018): The Impact of Façade Orientation and Woody Vegetation on Summertime Heat Stress Patterns in a Central European Square: Comparison of Radiation Measurements and Simulations. Advances in Meteorology, 2650642, 15 p. IF: 1,577
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Kiss, T., Balogh, M., Fiala, K., Sipos, Gy. (2018): Morphology of fluvial levee series along a river under human influence, Maros River, Hungary. Geomorphology, 303, pp. 309-321. IF: 3,681
Kolcsár, R. A., Szilassi, P. (2018): Assessing accessibility of urban green spaces based on isochrone maps and street resolution population data through the example of Zalaegerszeg, Hungary. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 13/1, pp. 31-36. IF: 0,907
Kovács, F. (2018): NDVI/EVI monitoring in forest areas to assessment the climate change effects in Hungarian Great Plain from 2000. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology, p. 56.
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Kun, R., Langer, F., Delle Piane, M., Ohno, S., Zeier, W. G., Gockeln, M., Ciacchi, L. C., Busse, M., Fekete, I. (2018): Structural and Computational Assessment of the Influence of Wet-Chemical Post-Processing of the Al-Substituted Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12. Acs Applied Materials & Iinterfaces, 10/43, pp. 37188-37197. IF: 8,456
Lehmkuhl, F., Boesken, J., Hosek, J., Sprafke, T., Markovic, S. B., Obreht, I., Hambach, U., Sumegi, P., Thiemann, A., Steffens, S. et al. (2018): Loess distribution and related Quaternary sediments in the Carpathian Basin. Journal of Maps, 14/2, pp. 661-670. IF: 1,836
Lukić, T., Bjelajac, D., E. Fitzsimmons, K., B Marković, S., Basarin, B., Mlađan, D., Micić, T., J. Schaetzl, R., B. Gavrilov, R., Milanović, M., Sipos, Gy., Mezősi, G., Knežević-Lukić, N., Milinčić, M., Létal, A., Samardžić, I. (2018): Factors triggering landslide occurrence on the Zemun loess plateau, Belgrade area, Serbia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, pp 1-15. IF: 1,871
M. Tóth, T. (2018): Fracture network characterization using 1D and 2D data of the Moragy Granite body, southern Hungary. Journal of Structural Geology, 113, pp. 176-187. IF: 3,128
M. Tóth, T., Schubert, F. (2018): Evolution of the arc-derived orthogneiss recorded in exotic xenoliths of the Koros Complex (Tisza Megaunit, SE Hungary). Journal of Geosciences, 63/1, pp. 21-46. IF: 1,275
Milivoj, B Gavrilov ; Slobodan, B. Marković, S., J. Schaetzl, R., Tošić, I., Zeeden, C., Obreht, I., Sipos, Gy., Ruman, A., Putniković, S., Emunds, K. et al. (2018): Prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia in the recent and past time periods; modern-and past dust deposition. Aeolian Research, 31/B, pp. 117-129. IF: 2,864
Pinke, Zs., Kiss, M., Lövei, G. (2018): Developing an integrated land use planning system on reclaimed wetlands of the Hungarian Plain using economic valuation of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 30/B, pp. 299-308. IF: 5,572
Roshan, G., Yousefi, R., Kovács, A., Matzarakis, A. (2018): A comprehensive analysis of physiologically equivalent temperature changes of Iranian selected stations for the last half century. Theoretical and applied climatology, 131/1-2, pp. 19-41. IF: 2,720
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Sümegi, P., Gulyás, S., Molnár, D., Sümegi, B. P., Almond, P. C., Vandenberghe, J., Zhou, L., Pál-Molnár, E., Törőcsik, T., Hao, Q. et al. (2018): New chronology of the best developed loess/paleosol sequence of Hungary capturing the past 1.1 ma: Implications for correlation and proposed pan-Eurasian stratigraphic schemes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 191/C, pp. 144-166. IF: 4,641
Szelepcsényi, Z., Breuer, H., Kis, A., Pongrácz, R., Sümegi, P. (2018): Assessment of projected climate change in the Carpathian Region using the Holdridge life zone system. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 131/1-2, pp. 593-610. IF: 2,720
Szilágyi, G., Sümegi, P., Gulyás, S., Molnár, D. (2018): Revision of the Age of Construction Phases of a Mound Dated to the Late Copper–Early Bronze Age in Eastern Hungary Relying on 14C-Based Chronologies. Radiocarbon, 60/05, pp. 1403-1412. IF: 1,531
Szurominé Korecz, A., Garaguly, I., Szente, I., Varga, A., Raucsik, B. (2018): „Oázis a sivatagban” — különösen gazdag ősmaradvány-együttes a fosszíliaszegény üllési Szegedi Dolomitból. Földtani Közlöny, 148/2, pp. 119-124.
Tapody, R., Guláys, S., Törőcsik, T., Sümegi, P., Molnár, D., Sümegi, B. P., Molnár, M. (2018): Radiocarbon-dated peat development: anthropogenic and climatic signals in a Holocene raised bog and lake profile from the Eastern part of the Carpathian Basin. Radiocarbon, 60/4, pp. 1215-1226. IF: 1,531
Törőcsik, T., Gulyás, S., Molnár, D., Tapody, R., Sümegi, B. P., Szilágyi, G., Molnár, M., Jakab, G., Sümegi, P., Novák, Zs. (2018): Probabilistic 14C Age-Depth Models Aiding the Reconstruction of Holocene Paleoenvironmental Evolution of a Marshland from Southern Hungary. Radiocarbon, 60/05, pp. 1301-1315. IF: 1,531
Unger, J., Skarbit, N., Gál, T. (2018): Evaluation of outdoor human thermal sensation of local climate zones based on long-term database. International Journal of Biometeorology, 62/2, pp. 183-193. IF: 2,377
Vasárus, G., Bajmócy, P., Lennert, J. (2018): In the shadow of the city: demographic processes and emerging conflicts in the rural-urban fringe of the Hungarian agglomerations. Geographica Pannonica, 22/1, pp. 14-29.
Vass, I., M. Tóth, T., Szanyi, J., Kovács, B. (2018): Hybrid numerical modelling of fluid and heat transport between the overpressured and gravitational flow systems of the Pannonian Basin. Geothermics, 72, pp. 268-276. IF: 3,470
Unger, J., Pál-Molnár, E. (szerk) (2018): Geoszférák 2017: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Földtudományok Doktori Iskolájának eredményei. GeoLitera, Szeged, 140 p.
Rakonczai, J. (2018): Global and Geopolitical Environmental Challenges. Budapest, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, 296 p.
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