Dzubay M, Juhász J: On the analysis of salt dinamics above the critical ground water level

Summary: The autors field studies were made under dry and irrigation conditions in the northeastern part of Tiszántúl at the edge of the loessial plain of Szolnok. More exactly the first conditions were studied in the vicinity of Karcag, the latter in the vicinity of Kisújszállás.

In the case of dry farming, under conditions of ground water level around the "critical depth", as is usual in our climate, the migration of the soil salts followed the periodicity of the seasons – the trends of leaching in winter and accumulation in summer also in the area investigated.

It is possible to irrigate without risk of alkalinization also when the ground water level is near the critical level if we make sure that the superfluous water – ground water or irrigation water – can drain off. In such circumstances the drains can be used in case of suitable transformation, for irrigation and drainage, i. e. also reversibly.


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