Novák Á: The place of meteorology in the educational activity of Szeged University from 1921 to 1971

Summary: There has been a university in Szeged since 1921, and the teaching of meteorology has also been continued there for half a century.

In the period 1921–1952 the teaching of meteorology was the duty of the lecturers of the Geographical Institute. From 1921 to 1944 the meteorological lectures were related to the teaching of natural geography and were given in a four year cycle. The lecturers in meteorological subjects to the geography students were Károly Kogutowicz, Gábor Schilling, Alfréd Hille and Richárd Wagner, and the titles of their courses were Climatology, The physical geography of the air, General meteorology and Meteorology. From 1945 to 1952 the lectures, which were related in part to the natural geography and which were partly totally independent, (Meteorology, Climatology, The geography of aerial transport, and The geography of the atmosphere), and the practicals (Geographical instrument practice) (in the university climate station) were given by Wagner.

In 1952 the Geographical Institute Number II, later the Institute of Climatology, separated from the Geographical Institute with completely independent teaching and research duties. Its director was Richárd Wagner who has held theoretical and practical courses in climatology since then. The students can select recommended special courses from the courses Microclimatology (Wagner), Bioclimatology (Wagner) and General atmospheric circulation (Béla Béll) treating the theoretical and practical research results of the Institute. Under the guidance of the Institute of Climatology, the first year students take part in compulsory rnicroclimatological field practices, while the more advanced students and the final year students can prepare course work and dissertations, respectively, from climatology and microclimatology.


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Friss Hírek


Az ország egyik legmodernebb földtudományi adatelemző bázisává alakult az SZTE TTIK Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetének téradattudományi informatikai rendszere, vagyis a GIS-labor (Geographic Information System). A több mint 13 millió forint saját erőből megvalósított fejlesztésnek köszönhetően a szegedi hallgatók korát megelőző infrastruktúra segítségével ismerkedhetnek meg az adatelemzéssel, és olyan tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek, amelyek a legmodernebb globális kutatásokat támogatják.

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