Summary: Regular meteorological observations have been carried out in Szeged since 1854, and since 1970 within the framework of the independent Hungarian meteorological service.
The climatological station of Szeged now celebrating its hundred years' existence operated till 1929 in the Piarist grammar school.
The climatological station of the Geographical Institute of the University of Szeged, established in 1926, took over the tasks of the station of the grammar school which was then closed in 1929. Besides network observations with modern equipment and besides teaching, research work also started. In 1927, the Institute started microclimatological researches, in 1928 aerological researches, and in 1932 it started a forecasting service for the southern part of the country and established an agrometeorological observation network.
Since the Second World War more favourable conditions ensure regular research work. The network climatological station is operating within the framework of the Climatological Institute established in 1952. Nevertheless the research work of the Institute is not based on this, but with its largely locally designed instruments the Institute carries out microclimatological researches useful for agriculture such as the investigation of the microclimate of alkali soils and sandy areas in the southern part of the Great Hungarian Alföld, the investigation of the weather conditions hindering rice growing, the investigation of the conditions of extending the forest areas in the North Hungarian mountains of medium height, the investigation of the microclimate of sink-holes (dolinas), the investigations of the vergency lines of the heat flows in the soil, etc.
Az ország egyik legmodernebb földtudományi adatelemző bázisává alakult az SZTE TTIK Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetének téradattudományi informatikai rendszere, vagyis a GIS-labor (Geographic Information System). A több mint 13 millió forint saját erőből megvalósított fejlesztésnek köszönhetően a szegedi hallgatók korát megelőző infrastruktúra segítségével ismerkedhetnek meg az adatelemzéssel, és olyan tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek, amelyek a legmodernebb globális kutatásokat támogatják.