Bárány I, Vörös E, Wagner R: The influence of the wind conditions of the Hungarian Alföld on the geographical distribution of mills

Summary: The geographical distribution of the mills which were still working at the turn of the century and can be found on official Hungarian maps can be related with the wind conditions. With their help we can attempt to research the now little used but potentially existing wind energy.

The places of windmills indicate the areas where the kinetic energy of the air is sufficient for driving simple mechanisms.

In the areas where there is not sufficient wind energy, animal power was used for driving mills. On the watercourses having sufficient energy there were boat-mills and water-mills.

The large number of windmills once working in the Hungarian Alföld – in connection with the favourable wind conditions – makes probable the possibility that in a considerable part of the area there is enough wind energy to satisfy the small energy requirement of the agricultural co-operatives and detached farms and this can be achieved by putting into operation simple wind-driven power-supplying mechanisms that are already internationally used.


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