Wagner R: Tagesgänge der Temperatur an Bergwiesen und in Wäldern

Herrn Prof. Dr. Rudof Geiger zu seinem 75. Geburstag gewidmet

Summary: In the Bükk Mountains of Hungary, by using data from climatologioal stations installed at various sea-levels (i. e. 550 m, 700 m, 730 m, 780 m and 910 m) and by executing hourly or quarter-hourly measurements of air-temperature and soil-temperature on meadows and forests situated at sea-levels of 550 m, 730 m and 910 m, and grouping them according to three categories of nebulosity (0–2, 3–7, 8–10), the diurnial variations of temperature are established. It is found, that the air-space over meadows is, in day-time, warmer and in the night cooler than that of the forests. Soil temperatures are on the meadows by night and by day warmer than soil temperatures in the forest. Maximum temperatures both of the air of the meadows and of forests are decreasing with altitude, whilj the minima are increasing. Maxima and minima of soil temperatures are decreasing with height. The diurnal amplitudes of both air and soil temperatures are decreasing with altitude, however, there exists also a decrease in the difference between the temperatures of meadows and of forests.


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