(Nomogramic methods with the application of the transversal azimuthal projections of the grid lines of spherical coordinates for calculating the solar altitudes above the sloping plane surfaces)
Summary: As is well known, two drawing of the transversal stereographic or orthographic azimuthal projection of the grid lines of spherical coordinates, drawn over each other with identical contours, will produce a nomogram, from which the equatorial and horizontal coordinates of the sun (or any other celestial body) may be mutually determined from each other.
It is is shown that with the aid of the nomogram, composed from the transversal projections, the sun's altitude above the sloping plane surfaces too, may be determined. The nomogram can be used in two ways of computation. According to one of them the values of the sun's altitude above the horizont and those of its azimuth can be applied, while according to the other one the hour angle and declination of the pole of the slope are to be determined first and by their aid one may compute solar altitude above the slope.