G Molnár, T Gál and AZ Gyöngyösi
Department of Climatology and Landscape Ecology, University of Szeged, Egyetem u. 2., 6720 Szeged, Hungary, E-mail:
Summary: The modelling of meteorological variables under non-ideal (e.g. characterized by cyclonal activity) synoptic patterns is always challenging. It is particularly true, when the simulations are performed on local or neighborhood scale. In this study, the spatio-temporal distribution of urban heat island of Szeged was predicted by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model during two period with different meteorological background. During the first, a thick and permanent fog layer was located over the Carpathian Basin. The second one was dominated by a Mediterranean low that has caused high sums of precipitation. The comparison of modelled and observed variables suggested that the computed outputs showed robust consistency with the observations during the rainfall event. On the foggy days, however, WRF had difficulties to capture the daily variability of urban heat island intensity. It was due to the large underestimations of moisture circumstances.
Keywords: urban heat island, Weather Research and Forecasting model, numerical modelling, local climate zones, modified static canopy parameters
Az ország egyik legmodernebb földtudományi adatelemző bázisává alakult az SZTE TTIK Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetének téradattudományi informatikai rendszere, vagyis a GIS-labor (Geographic Information System). A több mint 13 millió forint saját erőből megvalósított fejlesztésnek köszönhetően a szegedi hallgatók korát megelőző infrastruktúra segítségével ismerkedhetnek meg az adatelemzéssel, és olyan tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek, amelyek a legmodernebb globális kutatásokat támogatják.