Summary: The authors investigated the frequency distributions of the daily temerature anomalies and of the direction of the daily maximum gust in the subsets arranged according to the large-scale circulation types classified by Péczely, as well as Ambrózy-Bartholy and Gulyás (ABG) using a 20-year data series (1961-1980) of Szeged, the standard deviations and Shannon entropies of the daily temperature anomalies were calculated for the total population and for the subsets of the above mentioned large scale types. The Shannon entropies of the directions of the daily maximum gusts were determined in the same way. All calculations for the four seasons were made separately, and the results obtained are summarized in Tables I—VIII. The relative frequencies of the temperature and the wind directions in different ABG types are shown in Figs. 1-8. It was found that in the majority of the types both classifications deminish the standard deviations, as well as Shannon entropies of the daily data. The decrease of entropy is a little more expressed in the case of Péczely types.
Az ország egyik legmodernebb földtudományi adatelemző bázisává alakult az SZTE TTIK Földrajz- és Földtudományi Intézetének téradattudományi informatikai rendszere, vagyis a GIS-labor (Geographic Information System). A több mint 13 millió forint saját erőből megvalósított fejlesztésnek köszönhetően a szegedi hallgatók korát megelőző infrastruktúra segítségével ismerkedhetnek meg az adatelemzéssel, és olyan tapasztalatokat szerezhetnek, amelyek a legmodernebb globális kutatásokat támogatják.