2024. September 7., Saturday

Fractured Fluid Reservoir Research Group

Research Team Leader: Prof. Dr. Tivadar M. Tóth


Fractured fluid reservoirs are of key importance if recovering water and hydrocarbon supplies, geothermal energy, or in predicting the flow of pollutants underground. Fractured basement rock bodies are essential from many aspects also in Hungary:

  • there are plenty of fractured igneous and metamorphic basement HC reservoirs;
  • the fractured basement rocks are in the focus of radioactive waste disposal research;
  • high enthalpy basement rocks serve a significant geothermal heat potential;
  • termination of Mine Dewatering causes serious environmental problems

A reliable examination of a fractured reservoir should include a complex evaluation of data concerning geophysics, petrology, structural evolution, fracture network geometry, fracture cementation processes as well as recent hydrogeology. That is why in the Fractured Reservoir Group (FRG) of the University of Szeged colleagues and students from many fields of geology work together. The main aim of our research group is to contribute to better understanding geological constraints of diverse “fractured fluid reservoirs” both from theoretical and applied geological points of view.