2025. March 3., Monday

Hydrogeology Lab

Complex hydrogeological projects can be performed by the equipment of the Hydrogeology Lab including investigations on active and planned wells and evaluation of geothermal capacity of a given area. We have experience in the field of hydrogeological field works, measurements for determination of porosity, hydraulic conductivity, flow and leakage characteristics, hydration capacity, degree and chemical composition of pore-filling phases and hydrodynamic and numeric heat transport modelling used by up-to-date softwares.


  • ALKO TBP 3300-7 tube pump
  • ALKO SA-30 pump
  • DATAQUA DA-S-LTRB 122 water table level register
  • MiniDIVER water table level register (10-20-50 m)
  • HT manual bubble-tube (15-50-100 m)
  • CONSORT C911 field and laboratory conductometer
  • Enslin instrument
  • Flexible-wall permeabimeter
  • Rigid-wall (Proctor) permeabimeters
  • Colmatometer

Available softwares:

  • Aquifer Test 4.2., Feflow 5.3.,
  • PHREEQC for Windows 2.17.,
  • Processing Modflow Pro. 7.0.17.
  • Processing Shemat 4.1., RepSim 3.1.