2025. March 2., Sunday

Geosciences BSc

The aim of the program is to train such geoscientfic researchers who due to their modern scientific attitudes and familiarity with both the theoretical and the practical side of geosciences are able to complete organising and coordinating tasks independently in scientific life, at various institutions of economy as well as in industrial resource research and to pursue their vocation to get acquainted with the Earth and protect it.


By means of their comprehensive scientific knowledge geoscientific researchers graduated in the BSc program will be able to recognise geocsientific problems as a consequence of social-economic processes, to phrase them perspicuously for non-professionals, professionals, and decision-makers and to elaborate alternative solutions.


The geoscientific researchers who gain the bachelor degree (BSc) are able to:

  • complete various tasks in Hungarian and international geoscientific, observing and forecasting services and in institutions with authoritative legitimacy;
  • accomplish organising and coordinating tasks in the following sphere of activities and jobs: environmental studies, resource research, environment and nature protection;
  • organise research projects;
  • carry out and coordinate laboratory and field measurements;
  • represent the results on maps and to integrate them into the geographic information systems, establish databases and fill them with spatial and relational data and operate databases.