2025. March 13., Thursday

Ongoing projects

An integrated approach to understanding the isolation and transport properties of fractured rock bodies: the role of different host rocks, fluid chemistry, and deformation history (K-138919 project)

Hydrocarbon system of the Hungarian Palaeogene Basin (Central Paratethys) (NKFIH-KDP-975153 project)

Hydrocarbon generation potential of the Eocene Buda Marl (MPC-2020-01595 project)

Scaling during hydrothermal fluid production (NTP-NFTÖ-20-B-0140 project)

Indications of hydrocarbon migration in the Western Mecsek Mts., Pannonian Basin (NTP-NFTÖ-19-B-0152 project)

Establishment of geothermal systems in Szeged, investigation of well's interference

Developing a methodology for the installation of underground high-temperature heat storage systems

Investigation of groundwater recharge potentials of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve

Permo-Carboniferous to Triassic evolution of the Tisza Mega-unit: correlation studies between the eastern Pannonian Basin (SE Hungary) and the Apuseni Mts (Romania) (2019-2022, NKFI-1 K 131690)